project number

Hello everyone, this is my topic: tabel named "rdo" and 2 fields "ce_progetto" and "progressivo_prog". The first one has an ext ref with table "ana_progetti" setup as enum and the second one (set up as number) should be calculated as a progressive number +1 (indipendent numbering for each projects).

I used following formula in "progressivo_prog" that works not fully correct, this is its behaviour: increases correctly the progressive number +1 when user creates a new record for that project and re-started by 1 when project change but when user edit and save an existing record "progressivo_prog" increases by one instead to keep native number.

formula used in "progressivo_prog" column:

[ce_progetto] = [_THISROW].[ce_progetto]
) + 1

Any suggestions to solve it?

Thank you very much


0 4 183

Did you put your formula in App Formula instead of Initial Value?


Yes I did, in app formula 

Sie sollten den Ausdruck in den Anfangswert setzen!

I moved formula from app formula to initial value and now it works increasing number if I create a new record with same project number and keeping original numbering if I edit the record; but it doesn't work if I duplicate the row. Infact in this case it duplicate record without increasing number and keeping native number

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