public URL file issue

im trying to make a public url for a PDF file, im planning to use this url to make a base64 file (for an API POST, to upload a file).can someone tell me whats going wrong please....

the steps.

step 1- created a Virtual column name: [Relatรณrio de Insp]  type:file, appformula: "/06-Equipamentos/06.00 Inspeรงรฃo de Equipamentos Trabalho em Altura/01-Relatรณrios Sem Assinatura/"&[IdEqp]&" - Relatรณrio de Inspeรงรฃo de Equipamento.pdf"  ...this formula points to the file local save (google drive)  appears to work since its possible to open the genereted workflow pdf file

step 2 - create a virtual column type:url, appformula:CONCATENATE(
"?appName=", ENCODEURL(CONTEXT("Equipamentos-ACP-5563741")),
"&tableName=", ENCODEURL(CONTEXT("06.01 Cinto")),
"&fileName=", ENCODEURL([Relatรณrio de Insp])

step 3 - disabled security options

Updating Media

but the link created is giving a error , BAD REQUEST.



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Platinum 4
Platinum 4

CONTEXT() is used nonsensically. What do you want to do there?

CONTEXT() - AppSheet Help

View solution in original post


@LeonardoA021 wrote:

a public url for a PDF file,

i think its easier to creat a virtual column FILE.

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

CONTEXT() is used nonsensically. What do you want to do there?

CONTEXT() - AppSheet Help

sorry...i just bad man...i really dont know why i couldn see it. many thanks...

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