"8 August" not accepted as text in index list


Please point me in the right direction, i donct know why โ€œ8 augustโ€ generates an error.

Thank you

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Could you try with TEXT(8 August) for only that particular element in the list.

I think all other list elements are treated as text since month names are different than English month names. Only August matches and the parser treats it as a date rathen than text element.

So list will be

LIST( โ€œ1 Ianuarieโ€, " 2 Februarie", โ€ฆ ,TEXT(8 August), โ€œ9 Septembrieโ€,โ€ฆ, โ€œ12 Decembrieโ€)

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Could you try with TEXT(8 August) for only that particular element in the list.

I think all other list elements are treated as text since month names are different than English month names. Only August matches and the parser treats it as a date rathen than text element.

So list will be

LIST( โ€œ1 Ianuarieโ€, " 2 Februarie", โ€ฆ ,TEXT(8 August), โ€œ9 Septembrieโ€,โ€ฆ, โ€œ12 Decembrieโ€)

It worked, thanks a lot.

I had my column type set as text, but it seems it wasnโ€™t enough.

Yes, you have a valid point. I think it could be one of those edge cases where the parser gives precedence in recognizing a textual date format over plain text.

@Steve : May we request your insights?

Correct! A raw value in an expression that matches a recognized date format will be made a Date value. To avoid this, construct the raw value (e.g., ("8." & "August")). The reason for this is that Expression Assistant sets the valueโ€™s data type by its appearance, then converts it to the columnโ€™s type at the very end. Thereโ€™s a period of time where the columnโ€™s type isnโ€™t considered.

Got it. Thank you very much @Steve

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