"Condition" for schedule event - oddness | Need review by AppSheet dev team

For schedule event, we are able to apply "Condition"  when the BOT is fired or not with the arbtrary detailed conditions. For instance, we set event to run on every Monday, but we wish NOT to run the BOT if the Monday fall on 1st day of each month. Then we pass an expression to the condition, something like



However, oddly enough, this condition field disappear when we turn on "ForEachRowInTable" option.


This does not make any sense to me.

Regardless of "ForEachRowInTable" option is on/off, the condition should be available for either case.

By turning on this option, yes, we will have "row filter condition", but why we are currenly not able to set "Condition" if or not to run the BOT?

This could be potentially a bug.



4 9 310

I don't think it's a bug.   This has been the design even before Automation concept was introduced.

The "ForEachRowInTable" specifies a bot that is dependent on having rows to process.  As you know, the Filter Condition selects those rows.  If no rows selected then the automation does not run.  

Any TRUE/FALSE expression can be inserted and its result is used to decide if the row is selected.  

You can still apply your expression Weeknum(TODAY())<>2.    Since it will be TRUE for each row tested when the Weeknum value is NOT 2,  it will simply select ALL rows from the specified table and run.  It will NOT run when Weeknum = 2 since NO ROWS are selected. 

With your sample expression, you get the same results for whether it runs or not BUT, as I'm sure you know,  the difference with the  "ForEachRowInTable" option turned on is that EACH row is sent and processed individually through the remainder of the bot.

Bottom line, you can achieve the same RUN or NOT RUN results then it's just a matter of further reducing the selected rows.


I would admit your point well founded, but it is hard to understand.

Condition to fire BOT | Row filter condition should be completely different subject, but the problem is they could live in the same place.

I m not a big fun of Automation, so I was less careful if this was so from the beginning or not, but the fact is difficult to understand for beginners for sure.

To make things worse, on clicking the row filter condition (For foreachrowintableoption), the window indicating "condition for event trigger BOT", which is adding more confusion.

All in all, this must be corrected. 

To make things cristal clear, better to show "Conditions for triggering bot" for either option.

I wait for AppSheet to comment on this.


It's crap. Through and through.

Thanks you @Steve for taking this up internally. Hope a fix will be considered.

To your point, there are many occasions when separating the bot trigger conditions and the Row Filter conditions would be more clear and helpful.

It's an entirely different condition field when you turn ForEachRow on, versus when it's off. That entire section of screen changes when you switch the toggle. I would not call that a bug.




I dont call this as bug, but logiacally and simply incorrect. Thats it.


I find it to be very logical and correct.

And I was just responding to your original post:



yeah still i belive it is possibly, but who knows. But my main point is not sitting at that.

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