"Unable to make changes" Error in AppSheet Editor that frequently causes loss of changes

I have been seeing this error message (image below) for the past couple of months.  It seemed to have stopped for a while but I am seeing it again this week.

I work as a co-author on a couple of apps and initially thought the errors were because the App Creators were making changes.  But I have confirmed with the App Creators on several occasions that neither were making any app changes at the time I received the error messages.

The frustrating part is that I was losing the changes I had made.  The only way to recover is to re-load the browser page and that seemed to prevent the recent changes from being saved.  Has anyone else been experiencing the error message shown below?

Interestingly enough, today I get the error message but changes I just made ARE saved.  Even so, it's time to raise this problem to support.

Any other input by anyone?

Screenshot 2023-03-17 at 3.27.39 PM.png


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I saw this error several times earlier today. And same thing, the changes actually did save. I have NOT been seeing it for the last couple of months though.

FWIW: I've seen this error a few times over many months, including once in the last couple weeks (although not today--I haven't been editing apps today), and my changes have always been saved. This has always been for apps in my own account with no co-authors even enabled.

Same issue for me. I have been seeing this error message each time after I save. Even though the changes are saved, the banner is still there and need to refresh the app to remove it.


@WillowMobileSys wrote:

Has anyone else been experiencing the error message shown below?


I was experiencing same issue and editor save was slow entire day.


This issue was there few months back and it was resolved. 

Same issue still happening today. I submitted a support ticket referencing this thread.

Platinum 4
Platinum 4

I get this every time I save. I engaged Support yesterday (case 2-5863000033754) but with no resolution. I was told my issue was transferred to a specialist and that I would get an update yesterday--which I did not.

Attn @devingu 

I contacted Support again today to get an update. I was told that the issue was escalated to Engineering and that it is a "top priority".

Received an email yesterday saying someone on the support team has accessed my account for troubleshooting. Progress?

The problem appears to be gone, though I've received no contact from Support. @devingu, should I expect Support to confirm my ticket was closed successfully?

Thanks Steve, we've actually escalated your ticket to the Eng team on Saturday. 

We can close the ticket now if you don't have the issue anymore, but feel free to reopen it if you encounter it again. 

I was mistaken, actually. The problem still occurs, but the error message no longer displays. I save changes and the editor reloads. If I then make any change, the Save button doesn't light up, so I can't save my changes. I have to reload the editor (and lose the changes!) to restore the Save button. I've already lost an hour of work this morning because of this.

Here's how the ticket was closed:


I will respond to the email to say the problem is still there.

Hey Steve, noted!

Your ticket will be reopened. The product team is still actively investigating the issue. 

Thank you. Here is the message I received:




The issue has been mitigated overtime by itself, still investigating from our side. 

Edit: make some corrections 

Still happening for me this morning

We are escalating internally! thanks!

Another occurrence this morning for me in an app I have not accessed in a while.  It does not appear that I lost any changes.

The issue has been mitigated overtime by itself, still investigating from our side. 

Edit: make some corrections 

Hello devingu. I started to get this error



Platinum 4
Platinum 4

The problem appears to be resolved for me, though I've received no confirmation from Support.

Im having this Problem right now

Same here now. I can't make any changes in my apps.

The problem is still there.
And moreover there are more problems now. Not able to load appsheet since today morning.

This is the error I and my users are getting.

"Something has gone wrong!

The URL was: /start/[homepage]
The underlying provider failed on Open."

This is now a daily thing where we are facing major outages.

tambiรฉn estuve experimentando el mismo problema el dรญa de hoy


Same issue still present for me.

I realized that you don't actually have to refresh the page another time after saving and seeing the error, you can just click the red x on the error banner. Still annoying, but at least a lot less wasted time.

The issue is still there almost after a week. I assumed this would be a priority issue since it affects the Appsheet editor itself.

@devingu Please, when can we expect to get this resolved? It has been over a week now? Everytime I save, I see this banner.

Originally, when I was seeing this message, changes were lost.  That doesn't seem to happen any longer so this is not a critical issue any longer, it seems.  Changes are indeed saved.  So the message is just an annoyance at this time - which pushes it down on the priority list. 

I have now been just ignoring it but as @Marc_Dillon pointed out, you can just tap the "X" button on the right-hand side of the banner to make it go away.  It will just come back after next Save.

Be patient!  AppSheet will get it fixed.  For now we should trust that they are focusing  on their work list in the best way possible.

@WillowMobileSys wrote:

Be patient!  AppSheet will get it fixed.  For now we should trust that they are focusing  on their work list in the best way possible.


I have many many proofs they are not focused on their work. AppSheet once had really smart people working on it. I am losing hopes these days due to the inefficiency and ignorance. 


Experiencing this issue as well! Attempting to update the value of a field and receiving "unable to save changes" error, when previously there was no issue updating this field. I am the app creator, not a permission issue. 

I haven't seen this message in a while now.  Are you getting the message exactly as shown in the post?  If not, Could you post a screenshot of it?

UPDATE:  Well, immediately after I posted my reply I return the Editor, make some changes, Save and Viola!  I get the error message.  It actually reminded me that I do STILL get the message occasionally.  I guess I have grown numb to its occurrences.  Most times, its when I am attempting to Save changes in the Editor.  I simply tap Save again and everything goes through fine on the second try

The part I DON'T seem to experience any more is loss of changes.  

Actually the error I received isnt the exact same. Just as vague, "unable to save changes". I'm looking more into the data / config to see if its something on my end but usually the errors are more telling...

I am not sure if you are aware, but for typical errors there will be red "X" icon somewhere - either upper-right corner or at the top of the left-hand side panel.  Tapping one of those will bring up the list of errors and normally, no always, there is a "Go To Problem" link that will take you right to the problem area.

If you are not seeing that, please post a screenshot and maybe we can help more.

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