the system does not record the link of the document that is generated and sent to other emails

Good morning everyone, I have created a form that collects images and alphanumeric data, I have created a bot where I take the registered data and create a document from a template, send it to several emails and save the file in a google drive file, the The data is stored in the spreadsheets, but I have not been able to relate a link to the document that is generated with the record made in the spreadsheet, I have found tutorials but everyone has to enter the record again and update to register the data. link, does anyone know how to do this job for me at the time the document is registered and sent, thank you very much.

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You have to disable the timestamp so that the filename is predictable, and set the relative path and file name as a value in a column in your table. I'd assume such info would be in any tutorials about this, which ones did you look at? What exactly does this sentence mean?

but everyone has to enter the record again and update to register the data



This is possible to create a report via automation and also a link to open it. I do that all the time. 

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