use the content of "Display Name" field from the properties of the column in Expression


How could I use  the content of "Display Name" field from the properties of the column in formula of other column , using expression? I need to display the content of the "display name" field which is in the properties of my column in another column, as the user knows which column is linked to the column he fills in.

I have a form and if the user checks "No", so, another column is displayed (I used "show-if) and in this another column I need to display the long name of the column checked as "No" (the field should be editable, the user should see the long name, then to delete it and write what he needs). All this should be dynamic in order not to create one to one column, because I have 100 columns and I don't want to add another 100, the columns checked "No" may vary. I don't know how  could I do it.

Thank you for your suggestions and help!





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You cannot use the name of a column in an expression (no expression obtain it directly). Having said that, I am not sure exactly what you want to do.

Are you saying for instance if you set Column01 (yes/no type) to NO, you want to display "Column01 checked as NO" as an initial value of Column02? If so, it should be easy. Just set

IF(NOT([Column01]), "Column01 checked as No", "whatever you want to display otherwise")

You can concatenate the above expressions associated with different columns to display a very long string if you need to..


I have a column named "A", in the DB, and in appsheet , in the "Display name" field (from properties of the column) it has a very long name (in fact, a long sentence); this column has data type = Enum (with 3 options: Yes, No and N/A). If in this column the user chooses "No", a second column (field) is displayed, let's name it "Remarks"; well, in this field it should be displayed the very long name of the column "A" (the long sentence). I need something as in SQL, but SQl has a dedicated table for the name of the columns. I hope my explanations are clear now.

Thank you!



I would then create a table containing (i.e. Col Names) all the long text names such as

Column Name: Key

Column Text: Long text

You can use this both in the column Name property as well as the dynamic column values.

The Display name of Column A is something like

 "A", "Col Names", "Column Name", "Column Text"

The App Formula of Remarks would be something like

 [A] = "NO",
  "A", "Col Names", "Column Name", "Column Text"

You can then need to maintain only this table.

Hope this makes sense..

Thank you! I have already used something like you have written, but with IFS and Concatenate, because I have 60 columns with possible No and 10 columns for "remarks". 




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