what if i dont need unique results

I am trying to figure out how to get results that will display a record more than once, if it fits the criteria.

I'm pulling up a list of all clients that would like an appointment reminder - some have requested an SMS reminder, some have requested an email, and some have requested both.

I'd like them all to display on the same table view, which is sorted by SMS vs Email, the people who requested an email + an SMS need to show up on the screen twice, once in each category - not using a category called "both" - because i want to be able to select multiple clients from the table view in order to send out the reminders in bulk

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As you can't use the group option or having records twice in your case, you would need to create your own. Having one table with these options (only one option) and then your normal table view, you could create a functionality with the LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW().

When you select SMS, it will show you only those rows where that selection is made. Same with the Email. If the column contains SMS, show it.

Thank you, I'm not sure I explained the problem accurately.

I want all clients who request a reminder to display in my "all reminders view" (table view) however, if they have requested both SMS and Email reminders, I want them to display twice

i tried solving this using a dashboard and two slices, but then the Actions are not available.

I am thinking I need a Reminders table? with a unique entry for each type of reminder requested, referring back to the client table?

however i cant figure out the structure for the additional table. would columns like this  work?

uniqueIDemail addrphone #

reminderStatus (eg already sent)



You would only need one column with values like "SMS", "Email" etc. Then trigger an action when the row is pressed. This action then filters your rows depending of the EnumList selection.. something like LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW("YourTableView",IN([_THISROW].[ID],[EnumListColumn]))

Im not sure i follow

the only thing i want filtered out is all clients who have chosen not to have a reminder. i need one view  that shows me all clients who want reminders, no matter what type.

as i have it now, (all in one table), there is one column (email type) for the email reminder and one column (phone type) for sms reminder.

the filter is OR(ISNOTBLANK([email]), ISNOTBLANK([SMS])) But if someone has entered both an SMS # and an email, their record only appears once on the resulting list

am i understanding correctly:

i should create 1 more table, which has only one column - (send method) and two rows 1. SMS and 2. Email) - where would the rest of the data live? (such as what date to send it and whether the reminder was sent yet)

i am using google sheets for my data, and fairly new to appsheet (under a year), so some of the concepts like virtual columns are still sinking in.

thanks for your patience ๐Ÿ™‚

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