what is limit set in one license key

<P> Hello Everyone, Anybody can tell me how many user set in one license key and if ,I have 60 user so how many license key need <p>

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One license is required for each user.  60 users = 60 licenses.  They can access unlimited number of apps under that account.

how can we buy 60 licenses

From your app, tap the account icon and select Billing

Screenshot 2022-11-12 at 6.16.44 AM.png

On the Account Billing Page, select Upgrade - if you need to.

Screenshot 2022-11-12 at 6.17.25 AM.png

Select the option for "Secure (pay per user)" in dropdown.  You will then be presented an option to enter the number of licenses to purchase.

TIP: It is unlikely that all 60 users will interact with the app every month.  Licenses are floating, meaning you only need a number of licenses to cover ACTIVE users.  IF you pay for 60 licenses and only 30 users ever sign-in to the app,  you are not reimbursed for the unused licenses.  On the other hand, AppSheet will warn you if the number of users exceed the number of purchased licenses.  I recommend starting with half the number of licenses and then increase as needed.

Initially, it will be hard to gauge how many active users you have on average.  You will see a larger number of users at the beginning because its new.  So you may need more licenses in the beginning.  Watch the app usage closely for the first few months and adjust the number of licenses to fit the number of active users.  You CAN adjust down if needed.

sScreenshot 2022-11-12 at 6.17.53 AM.png

I wonder at what number it makes sense to pay for the 'enterprise' license - if the 'enterprise' license allows that many users without surcharge.

Enterprise subscription plans also charge per monthly active user.

They have made several adjustments over the past several years to how Enterprise plans are billed.  It used to be an extra yearly expense plus per user fees but I believe now it is a straight per user charge with NO extra fee? I could be wrong on that part.  My understanding is that the licenses start at $20/per user per month and go up from there depending on what level you are subscribed to.  

It makes sense to move up to Enterprise when you need those extra services - Database connectivity, more robust logging and error reporting, team management, etc.  You can look at the Pricing page for bulleted list of features.

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