โ€Œ๐Ÿ‘‹ Introduce Yourself!

Community Manager
Community Manager

Thank you for joining the Google Cloud Community. Weโ€™re glad to have you! Please take a minute to create a new post and tell us a little bit about yourself, just use the label "Introductions" when you do.

The questions below will help you get started, but they are by no means required. Feel free to add whatever information about yourself that you feel is interesting. This is all about you. ๐Ÿ™‚

In what part of the world do you reside?

What do you work on?

What expertise do you have to share or what are you learning?

What would you like to get out of this community?

What do you do for fun?

We canโ€™t wait to hear your answers!


61 154 9,924
154 REPLIES 154

Hello dear, a suitable proposal for everyone and the speed of implementation and solution of the problem by you. Thank you. I am an amateur and I want to learn. My experiences are publishing and I hope that you will become a certified publisher. I would like that. Thank you for the organizers, from small to large


Thanks for your valuable information.

hi everyone

My name is craig

I live in australia.I work in engineering as a industrial technician.Ive worked my entire career as a tradesman and decided to upskill in digital skills cloud,augmented reality,immersive streaming machine learning and ux design.Would be great to connect with other people interested in the edge of augmented reality and immersive streaming.

Im also a pretty big fan of gaming.

Welcome to the Community @vault_tech  โ€Œ๐Ÿ™Œโ€Œ 

Thanks mate.

Hey All, this is Vels from Columbus Ohio. 

Happy to be part of the community! I have worked my 11+ years of IT career in Data Analytics space. Currently, we are moving from on-premise to Cloud focused solutions (GCP). So can't wait to learn and share here with the community. 


In what part of the world do you reside? USA, Columbus Ohio. Originally from India, Tamil nadu & speak language called Tamil (One of the oldest language in the world & CEO of Google speaks that language ๐Ÿ™‚

What do you work on? Currently working on on-premise to GCP migration of our application. so excited and more involved into it. 

What expertise do you have to share or what are you learning? BI & Analytics expert (ask me anything about MicroStrategy, Tableau or Power BI) 

What would you like to get out of this community? Learn and share back to the community - I love blogging and do check out if you come across my comment here ๐Ÿ™‚ 


What do you do for fun? Gardening, Watching Movies, Cycling 

Let us stay connected & feel free to say hi to network each other. Thank you!

Welcome to the community @LevAjar! It's great to have you here.

Thanks for sharing your blog - quite impressive! ๐Ÿ‘

Hlo everyone 

Happy to join the community. I am Rojan Varghese. I live in India. I am an Engineering Student at Amal Jyothii College of Engineering on CSE. I would like learn it as an erge to know what is it and how is it


Hi @roj_03an! Thanks for joining the community ๐Ÿ‘

My pleasure 

I've been sent to the forum to resolve a billing issue - this doesn't seem the correct spot but he was quite insistent.

How can I resolve a bug where I'm not receiving a confirmation SMS when trying to enable billing?




Who am I ? : Roy Rebello
In what part of the world do you reside? : Pune , Maharashtra , India 
What do you work on? : App development using Java , Oracle , IBM MQ , Splunk 
What expertise do you have to share or what are you learning? :  I have expertise in app development ,  setting up CI/CD pipelines , developing bots on Symphony , expertise in RHEL 7 . I am currently learning google cloud concepts and learning to get certified as a GCP Devops Engineer and GCP Associate Cloud Engineer.
What would you like to get out of this community? : Share knowledge, gain knowledge , meet others and increase my network
What do you do for fun? : I am learning to play Ukulele

Hi I'm from Naples Andrea. From today I am a google user at 360 ยฐ I mean I will only buy google products I am a web master. I am from Pompeii (NA) Italy. I'm 42 years old I would like to start my journey from this community. I would like to start with a question and address myself in the right way. I want to buy a domain hosting a site that I built remotely. Does Google offer this possibility? NB: I could not have noticed that there is firebase there is only this possibility?

hi everyone

My name is Hariom

I am from India .I am a undergraduate student right now. I love cloud computing and DevOps , love to automate things

I am learning various things to grow up my skills to shape my future๐Ÿซ .

I Love to Meet new persons and learning from them, and help others is my aim.

I am always ready to help others as much as possible. 



Hey there, we're glad you're here! What skills are you currently working on learning? How can the Community Help? ๐ŸŽ“

Hello everyone...

Feeling very happy to join the community.

I'm Parmesh Bhatt. And I'm from India.

I'm an engineering student who is curious to know and learn about Google Cloud. I'm from CHARUSAT University. I loved to solve problems and want to learn how these things are working.


Welcome to Google cloud community ๐Ÿ˜Š

Thanks @DPS21302

Hey there, we're glad you're in the Community! 

Have you been able to get plugged in with the Learning & Certification Hub

Whether youโ€™re just starting your Google Cloud learning journey or have a complete set of Google Cloud Certifications, this is a great place to learn AND connect with other learners.

Members share best practices around preparing for certification, stay up to date on whatโ€™s next, and network with others on the same path. (and sometimes there are cool opportunities to earn swag, get discounts, etc.) ๐Ÿ˜‰

Hello Everyone, 
Happy to be a part of this Community 
I'am Agung From Jakarta, Indonesia, 28 Years old and Working for one of Indonesian Google Cloud Partner Premiere Smartfren Telecom as Cloud Engineer

Hope I can Help Each Others to more Impact of Digitalization in Indonesia

Nice, glad you're here Agung. What type of clients do you all work with? What do you love most about being a Google Cloud Engineer? 

Hello All,

Excited to join this community.

Myself Vishal Bulbule from India.  I am currently working as Cloud Architect and keep researching GCP services, doing experiments and integrating with different GCP services in cloud infrastructure , data analytics and AI/ML. 

I enjoy reading, reproducing different issues and trying to find solutions for problems posted by community members.

I also completed 5 GCP certifications in 2022 and aspire to complete all GCP certifications in the upcoming year.

Excited to learn more.


We love that you enjoy helping others find solutions! How are you doing on your certifications? Any tips for others on where to get started or study best practices? 

Hello everyone,

My name is Nilesh Kumar Gupta

A passionate programmer from India. I am a first year Btech in computer science and engineering student at lovely professional university. Right now i am working on various projects. I have a strong urge to learn about cloud that's why i am here.

Hi! Jason Kadlec joining in from Santa Monica, California.

I'm the product and development team lead for Credit Suite, right now I'm late to the party, having just discovered Dialogflow CX, big query, serverless functions etc. I'm looking forward to moving more things onto these amazing (and so far...very cost effective) tools. 

I'm good at explaining things to beginners...as I am one as well, I'm here to learn how to build an awesome chat bot...then how to get all our data into bigquery so we can start running some better analytics and eventually some predictive models. 


I would love it if this community could help me understand the spots where the documentation has assumed I know something basic..but I don't know it yet.


For fun, I SUP Foil, Wing Foil and Tow foil. (This is surfing with a hydrofoil). 

Hope to pay it forward once I get some things running.

HI Folks,

I'm Aravind from India, Tamilnadu. I am an IT Cloud Engineer with a focus on Cloud Automation and DevOps. I am passionate about learning new technologies that are effective. I'd like to here engaging with new people and learning and gaining new opportunities. 

    Fun side about me I do Off-road bike race, travelling and Gamer. 

     Hobbies are Astro photographer, Photographer & Astronomy 

Hi my name is Denyka,

I am from Alaska and just moved to Ohio...Don't know anyone, well I met a nice women in my apartment complex.  However she is completely computer illiterate.  I know how to use Software, Adobe primarily.  I unfortunately got into the Google Cloud platform under naive pretenses.  I am trying to find ANYBODY that can help me figure out why my cloud billing went from 8-12 dollars a month to $100.  Single Mom, trying to create a start-up.  I thought the platform would help me build a creditable business.  I didn't/don't know what I did or am doing...I am trying to be positive but I don't know why or what an API is or how to shut it down so I can learn this stuff.  I think I bit off WAY more than I can chew and now I have a negative balance in my bank account earning overdraft charges...I was trying to learn this because I couldn't afford to pay someone to build this so I thought I could teach myself.  Well there's not enough time in the day to do all this quickly and I haven't gotten very far on my knowledge....

If anyone can help me get ahold of Google, I've emailed, tried chat, and submitted a form, but I can't seem to get anyone to refund or help me solve this problem.  Please, if anyone can help me out I really need to get this refund before the 1st of the month.

Thank you for your time, 


(gotta go walk the dog but will be back) 

Hi Everyone,

I'm Rohan Singh working as a Cloud Infrastructure Engineer in Yerevan, Armenia, originally from India. I write scripts, integrate tools, and optimize resources to deliver better solutions to my customers. I enjoy my work very much. Every day, there is something new to learn.

I've been exploring, working and living in Cloud since 2017 while I was a 2nd-year university graduate student. I was a member of GDG Jalandhar from 2017 to 2020, and have taken a lot of sessions on the Google Cloud Platform at many GDGs, colleges and universities around India. Google Cloud has shot my cloud career success journey via a mini-documentary published on their official YT channel. Here is the link: https://youtu.be/UKKpqs9BTvc

I write regular blogs on Medium on Cloud/DevOps/Infrastructure topics. Recently started to explore and write on security topics.

This year I've started an interview series with industry professionals irrespective of their genre to understand people better, have insights and get rich perspicuity into career and community. It's one interview per month. Here is the link for interested people: https://rohankalhans.medium.com/list/silly-sitdownsssd-with-rohan-d95b0c66d566 

Apart from cloud and tech, I watch MotoGP, love Tea (I extensively prefer Tea over coffee), play foosball, PS5, watch web series, ride a motorcycle, listen Spotify, explore places, cultures, and food tours, and finishing items from my long bucket list.

Happy to join the community.

Know everything about me at rohans.dev

Welcome Rohan. You have an inspiring story! @Roderick 


Good day everyone,

Iโ€™m Ricardo and I'm excited to be a part of this community. I currently reside in beautiful Barcelona, Spain and work as a Cloud Data Engineer at Allfunds Bank in Madrid.

In my role, I work on designing and implementing data pipelines, analyzing data, and building data solutions for various business needs.
I am particularly interested in learning more about best practices and new technologies in the field of data engineering, as well as connecting with others who are passionate about this field. I'm looking forward to collaborating with other members of the community and exchanging ideas and knowledge.

When I'm not working, I enjoy spending time with my dogs outside, playing Dota  2, or traveling.

Thank you for having me and I look forward to getting to know everyone!

Best regards,


Hello Everyone! 

I am Saptarshi Das from India, currently, I pursuing Engineering, and I am new to the cloud, I am here to learn about it.

Thats awesome, welcome! Be sure to check out our Learning & Certification Community where members, Googlers and partners share best practices around preparing for certification and network with others on your path.

I started my journey with Cloud Digital Leader certification, but there are so many resources for practitioners looking to learn the basics of Google Cloud and Cloud Computing. 

Keep us posted on what you learn! 

Roderick | Community Team 

Welcome everyone into the world of the community of cool cloud - "Google Cloud"

Greetings, esteemed members of the Google Community. I am Rishi Patidar, and I am passionate about cybersecurity, cloud security, and information security. My interest in these fields has motivated me to pursue a career in the security industry, and I am currently actively seeking new opportunities in the field.

I have been exploring cloud security and IAM incident and access management on Google Arcade to hone my skills and stay up to date with the latest developments in the field. My dedication to learning has led me to develop a deep expertise in cybersecurity, and I am confident in my ability to contribute to any organization in this industry.

When I am not studying, I love solving labs and participating in CTF competitions. These activities have helped me sharpen my skills and stay engaged with the latest security trends. Additionally, I find that listening to music while solving labs helps me focus and stay motivated.

I am excited to be a part of this community and would be grateful for any advice or opportunities that you may have to offer. Thank you for your time and consideration.๐Ÿ˜€

Welcome to the Community! I also love CTF Competitions! If you haven't already, check out Google's cyber security focused "Capture The Flag" (CTF) competitions here.  

We are launched a new Community experience within GCC (soon) geared towards security professionals, so keep an eye out for the announcements soon. 

*shameless plug* Our Learning & Certification Community is a great hub to get plugged in about security eLearnings and Certification Opportunities. 

More to come... welcome, again! 

hi everyone

My name is Masato.

I live in Tokyo and  work for electoronic forum as a  software engineer.Ive worked cloud task as a google cloud support for coworker,tempolary worker.

Recently I passed google cloud archetect certification.

I would like to have a opputunity to communicate with community members

Welcome to the Community, Masato! We're glad you're here. 

Congrats on Passing the Cloud Architecture Certification! That one is definitely a challenge. Any tips for others that are preparing for that cert? What's next for you?


Thank you very much for your kind


I recommend cloud architecture examiee apply for udemy.

cloud certification is strong career fou us.

NEXT i plan to change my job 

and want to any cloud jobs


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