Hello - I am hear to learn about using GCP in a cost effective way

Hi - I wanted to introduce myself and try to find others that are looking to run GCP efficiently.

I recently watched the story of Kubernetes and I was a bit shocked by my lack of understanding of Kubernetes after years of being a GCP customer.

I signed up for Bret Fishers docker class on Udemy and I am learning all of the fundamentals b/c the management team is royally effing up the marketing strategy for GCP. They need to stop all the talk about AI and focus on why containers and Kubernetes can help organizations run workloads at a lower cost.

I am not a developer so I have to use some pretty wild analogies to understand concepts.

For example here is how i finally grasped the concept of containers and kubernetes.

Docker Image = Playbook
- Just like a playbook in football, which contains all the strategies and plays, a Docker image contains all the necessary configurations, code, and dependencies to run an application.

Operation = Scripted Set of Plays
- Operations in computing are like a scripted set of plays in football. They represent the planned actions or tasks that need to be executed.

Process = Play in the Script
- Each process in computing is like a play in the script. It’s an individual set of instructions that are executed, much like how each play in football is a specific strategy put into action on the field.

Task = Specific Assignments for Each Play
- Tasks in computing are akin to specific assignments in a football play. These are the distinct roles or actions that need to be carried out for the process (or play) to be executed successfully.

Container Instance = GmeDay Environment
- The container instance in Docker is like the gmeday environment in football. It's the context in which the operations, processes, and tasks are executed. Just as the gmeday environment provides the field, players, and conditions for the plays, the container instance provides the runtime environment for the application.

Kubernetes = Coordinator/Coach
- Kubernetes, in this analogy, is like the gme coordinator or coach. It manages and orchestrates multiple containers (or gme plans), ensuring that they work together seamlessly, scale as needed, and maintain the overall strategy effectively.

If you told me that Kubernetes was like Mike Leach running the Air Raid offense then I probably would have paid attention alot sooner. Leach ran a high powered offense with tier 2/3 talent. That analogy shows me the true power of Kubernetes.

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why are you able to say g-a-m-e?????