Translate posts with ease

Among several improvement feedbacks we all have been giving on the community posrtal structure, one useful feature I came across in  this new portal. If you have to read a message in a post thread in a different language from the one your own, the page offers to translate the post and with one click entire post thread is transltaed. This Google feature comes in very handy to read posts with ease in different languages. 

Translate Option.png







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Platinum 4
Platinum 4

I believe that's a function of Chrome, not the web site itself.

Hi @Steve / @SkrOYC you are correct. It should be a Google feature  and not specifically  community feature as I also mentioned , but just thought of sharing this silver lining.

This feature shows up even when one is browsing websites in different languages on Chrome.

But that is at least available now to us. ๐Ÿ™‚ Somehow I do not recollect this being available in previous platform.



Got it.

It was available, maybe it didn't pop up as easily but I know a lot of people that used to use it on Discourse. I believe @Steve was using it to answer spanish questions.

In my case I don't like it at all ๐Ÿ˜‚. I hate that pop-up actually and anything that pops up telling me what to do, but that's just me. Also it helps me to practice my english since I'm a spanish native speaker

Yeah, I've been using the feature in Chrome for a long time--I love it! Makes me wish more non-English speakers would post in their native language, because I feel Google Translate does a better job.

๐ŸคฃI died

I donโ€™t have it, I think it is a feature/extension/add on of your browser. Mine is Safari. 

Yes, true, we all have our preferences. I have been using Chrome for past few years and even though for other websites it offered to translate , somehow Discourse did not offer it. Maybe I missed a setting there. ๐Ÿ™‚

This was a useful point I came across and just thought of sharing. ๐Ÿ™‚

Maybe it's a config thing.

Try: chrome-extension://aapbdbdomjkkjkaonfhkkikfgjllcleb/options.html

Hello, Can you please look at my post and reply. Thanks!


I'm using Chrome on a Mac but I'm not seeing this.  Is this a feature of the community software or is it a Chrome plugin that I don't have.  If possible, it would be nice if this could be made available to everyone regardless of how they have configured their browser.  On Facebook, finding translations is very easy, intuitive, and quick.

Sorry.  I missed the discussion above.  I do, however, think that it would be nice to make it part of the forum, not just a browser function, especially since I believe it is official AppSheet policy not to establish "language communities" (e.g. a separate community just for who want to communicate in Japanese).  There's a thread somewhere in which Praveen says that all languages should be together in one forum because we can use Google translate.