Datastream Not Working with BigQuery Table Partitioning and Clustering


I am attempting to stream data to a partitioned BigQuery table using Datastream. Based on the information found in this documentation page and this forum post I created a partitioned table in BigQuery that matched the Table ID of the corresponding destination table in Datastream. I was able to observe that data continues to be successfully written to the table by Datastream and the table details indicate that the table is indeed partitioned. However, when I execute queries against the table I find that it does not consistently utilize the partition key. For some queries--which do include the partition key in the WHERE clause--I observe that (a) the bytes billed for the query correspond to a full table scan and (b) the execution graph indicates that some other "CDC_TABLE"s which are otherwise invisible to me are the sources for the query (e.g. "CDC_TABLE_f53e853384a119a0e2cd9c72840fc_my-table-name") . This behavior is intermittent. However, it does significantly increase the cost of our queries. Does anyone know how to resolve this issue?

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