Deploy failed. Could not compile models

Recently, we are unable to deploy any LookML. It fails with: 

Deploy failed. Could not compile models

(including the sample_thelook_ecommerce project)

We are using a  new Looker Instance. Looker (Google Cloud core)

Looker version 23.18.23

We have been unable to find a solution as of yet. Does anyone know how to fix this? 

associated post on stackoverflow:

Solved Solved
1 8 2,950


I'm Noura, TSE on the Looker Support team. You can contact support to upgrade your instance to 23.18.41+ which contain a fix to this issue. 

In the meantime you can as well enable Legacy LookML Runtime in Admin > Legacy Features as a workaround until your instance is upgraded. 

View solution in original post


I am chasing down a similar problem.
We are seeing a similar error when using the deploy API.
We have a GitHub action that will deploy the latest version from main once a release has been created. This started to fail around the time the latest upgrade was released. Have you opened a ticket with GCP?

We only have basic GCP support. 

Deployment is now working for us on our instance.  We are no longer getting the could not compile model error.

Having the same problem when deploying using Looker Python SDK. It works when deploying from API Explorer or via Looker UI (Deployment management). What is even stranger - it does not work for 2 out of 4 instances.

Support says that the issue is with model, but how can it be if it works for other 2 instances?
I couldn't find workaround to the problem.

We only have basic GCP support.  Would recommend creating a P2 support case. We also have Looker-hosted instances that did not have the problem. 

I am seeing the same behavior. I was able to get a successful deploy from one project but not others.
I have a call with our service provider today so hopefully we can get more insights into the issue.


I'm Noura, TSE on the Looker Support team. You can contact support to upgrade your instance to 23.18.41+ which contain a fix to this issue. 

In the meantime you can as well enable Legacy LookML Runtime in Admin > Legacy Features as a workaround until your instance is upgraded. 

I can confirm we are no longer impacted by the bug. We are at 23.20.18.

@nourad was the bug reported somewhere?

It was reported internally. We do not have a platform to share bug status externally.