Trouble at refreshing databases

Hello, is anyone having problems refreshing googlesheets databases?
I do it and Looker tells me that all the variables in the database have
missing information and detects them as new, at the same time.
If I go on, all the graphs crash and I have to introduce the variables
again from zero.
It is happening in every dashboard that my team is using.
Do you know how can it be fixed?Capture.JPG
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I'm having the same issue. It started today. Its pretty annoying 😓

Same issue here. 

Same issue 😞

Same problem. Many reports are broken. 

Same experience here. No changes are made to the data source, just pressing the "Refresh Fields" will create the issue. So far it seems to be impacting anyone that tries to refresh (or reconnect) a data source on their dashboards. If changes are Applied, all charts/graphs etc break. 

 image (5).png

Hi Team, we are experiencing the same. Hope this gets resolved the soonest. 

We have posted the same error in Issue Tracker. 
Google has responded there and the report Status has changed to  "In Progress"
Put your comments there to get more visibility!


Puedes recuperar versiones anteriores de las fuentes con el reloj de arriba a la derecha.

Yo estoy teniendo el mismo problema y fue así como lo solucione.

Un saludo.



Gracias por la idea!
El problema es si quiero agregar una columna nueva en mi BD! ahi se rompe todo

Yo recuperé una versión anterior y al momento de restaurar a esta versión se vuelve a dañar.

Same problem.

I've been fighting this for an hour. The same is happening here. I can't duplicate my reports and use a different data source but with the same columns. This error is driving me crazy. The fields are exactly the same!

Last time I used Looker Studio to duplicate my reports everything was normal.

Are they doing anything regarding this? The issue has been around for almost 2 weeks now. Sad that google seems not doing anything to resolve it.

Hi @Roderick@sam8  saw that your an admin for this forum, can you please enlighten us what is currently happening on looker studio regarding the datasheet reconnection issue?

Seems to be working again!

Bom dia.

Infelizmente não. O meu está com o mesmo problema.

Yes I am experiencing the same thing 😞 

I have just had the same issue when editing the connection, no changes to the underlying data but it shows me all of the existing fields are new. Very frustrating as it has broken a number of dashboards already. 



Its working again partially, some dashboards can be refreshed but other are still crashing.

I'm still having the same problem. Has anyone found a solution?

It has been working for me since last Thursday. I am able to duplicate the dashboards and connect the new one with a different database (which has the same columns) without breaking. Before, it crashed when trying to copy them.

Hola!!! A mi sigue sin funcionarme. Actualizo y me destroza el reporte.

I am not refreshing/editing the report/database. My urgent need right now was to duplicate existing reports and change the 'database' without breaking them (like using them as a template). Before, when duplicating, everything crashed. What I did to work was to make all data sources embedded, duplicate the report, and then change the 'database'.

Here I still have the same problem? Did anyone find a different alternative?

Just making everything crash and rebuild again is the best answer so far.