Add StripRichText() function

Rich text in long-text columns is still in the "preview" stage.

So, I recognize that it may be a bit early to request this, but I'd like to suggest that when rich text becomes a supported feature in AppSheet, it will also be necessary to be able to turn it on and off.  Currently, rich text that works in one context

Screenshot 2023-08-09 at 9.48.33.png

. . . doesn't work in other contexts:

Screenshot 2023-08-09 at 9.48.16.png

If we had a "StripRichText()" function (one that "understood" rich text in exactly the same way that the long text columns does) we could use it in virtual columns to make "clean" versions of our rich text long text columns.

Status Open
1 2 127
Gold 1
Gold 1

Since we don't currently have a StripRichText() (or, better yet, "PlainText()") function, we need ti make rather complicated SUBSTITUTE() expressions.  Here's a version of what I'm using that other may want to modify:

Gold 1
Gold 1

I've added more SUBSTITUTE()s to this because I've been using more HTML lately.  For your reference:

substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute(substitute([YOUR_COLUMN_NAME],"<blockquote>"," "),"</blockquote>"," "),"<hr>"," "),"<small>",""),"</small>",""),"<mark>",""),"</mark>",""),"<i>",""),"</i>",""),"</b>",""),"<b>",""),"<br>"," "),"<sub>",""),"</sub>",""),"<h1>"," "),"</h1>"," "),"<h2>"," "),"</h2>"," "),"<h3>"," "),"</h3>"," "),"<h4>"," "),"</h4>"," "),"<h5>"," "),"</h5>"," "),"<ol>"," "),"</ol>"," "),"<ul>"," "),"</ul>"," "),"<li>"," "),"</li>"," "),"<a href=",""),"</a>"," "),"<img src=",""),"<img src=",""),"<strong>",""),"</strong>",""),"<em>",""),"</em>",""),"<br />"," ")