Add an optional parameter in LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW() that updates the view's title

The LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW function has saved me from needing to create multiple views.  I have a sub-menu where a user can select current members, past members, members in default, etc and a switch statement applies the desired filter. However, when a user is looking at more than a couple records, it becomes easy to lose track of the context.  Are these the members in good standing or the members with social memberships?  It can be confusing.  Since there are no session variables, there is no easy way to construct a formula for calculating a view title value.   

An optional "view-title" parameter in the LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW could override the view's title thereby ensuring that the user is always aware of the context.  

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Gold 4
Gold 4

As may have already occurred to you, as a workaround you could include in a grouped action that ends with the link to filtered view another action that first sets a value in the user's record for a column that is referenced in the view's display name.

Silver 3
Silver 3

Yes that occurred to me and as soon as it did I thought "there otta be a better way", and then this idea occurred to me.  Actually, the first thing that I considered was whether there might be some place to store session variables that didn't require creating a new table, etc.  I did consider the usersettings but I want sure that id be able to change that table mid session.  

Silver 3
Silver 3

@dbaum, I tried doing your suggestion today, but I don't see an action that lets me update the usersettings table.  The usersettings table is not appearing in the list of tables for any action that would set a value in another table.  

Gold 4
Gold 4

@RedVox wrote:

I don't see an action that lets me update the usersettings table

That's correct. It's not possible to set User Settings values via an action.

@dbaum wrote:

sets a value in the user's record

I just meant a table that you create within your app to manage user-specific data (e.g.,  Current User (Slice) | How to conform your app a... - Google Cloud Community ).

Silver 3
Silver 3
Gotcha. Thanks!