Allow a View's position to be determined through expressions


I think it would be amazing to be able to determine a view's position based on an expression. Right now, the only options are:


It would be amazing if there could also be a button for a formula, to allow us to do things like:

SWITCH(CONTEXT()="Device","Ref","CENTER") To be able to modify views that are optimized for desktop as opposed to mobile devices, such as Dashboard Views.

You would also be able to rearrange the views based on user's email, in order to prominently display the views that each user needs frequently. Such as:



Thank you for your consideration!


Status Open
7 1 124
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Silver 1
Silver 1

Just wanted to add that you would also be able to allow an end user if the app to customize their own interface based on the User settings menu.

You would make a user settings option that had an enum of the possible locations, and then set the location of the view to be USERSETTINGS("VIEW LOCATION").


I really think many people would appreciate having this feature.