Allow to "download" Documentation for the Apps

Hi There!

To facilitate system’s maintenance , it would be great if we could download the App’s documentation, and this one would be built automatically by recursively using the Descriptive comment boxes to assemble it. This would provide info on tables, slices, behaviors, formatting, etc…


David S

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Bronze 5

Adding in on this request as complicated apps become very hard to troubleshoot and document.

I really wish there was a way to download exact configurations so i could have a do a side-by-side compare (like text difference highlighting). Visual inspection is way too error prone. Current App Documentation is structurally hard to work with and I don’t think covers all the configuration items (like slices, UX formats, actions,etc …)

With so many possible configurations, a way to save configuration documentation and compare diffs would be very useful for dummies like me

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