App Creation Date

New Member

Would like a display of creation date of each app in the “my apps” view, would help in documenting our massive catalog of apps.

Status Open
2 13 825
Silver 5
Silver 5

Make an app for that… Categorize them, etc… Then use the “edit” links set external…

I also use this app as a developer companion to hold enums, codes, and other things…

But yes, I agree, it would be cool if appsheet gave us these tools… But in a way they did…

Silver 3
Silver 3

Please can you explain this:

Thank you


Mr @Grant_Stead means a link to editor.

Gold 1
Gold 1

I would vote for this but I’ve run out of votes. I wonder if the limitation on votes is really a good idea. For example, I notice that @Grant_Stead agrees that it would be an improvement but has not voted it for this – like me. For this reason, I wonder if the number of votes is really reliable data under the current system.


@Peter Any thoughts?

Silver 5
Silver 5

Don’t vote for everything… I mean I won’t really say NO to any feature… But yeah, i’ll happily only vote for two or three things that I think would be game changers…

Gold 1
Gold 1

I think see where you’re coming from. In that case, when a new proposal comes up, I’d like to be able to call up my “ballot” (list of what I have voted for already) so that I can thoughtfully decide where might votes go. Under the current system, I wonder how many people are actually able to vote in that way. The difficulty of distributing votes thoughtfully may lead people to give up.

Silver 5
Silver 5

It’s all crazy.
I wish I could vote with my wallet… Pay per vote, or how about 1 vote per average active user… Or, or, or… And then we track what appsheet is getting done, and redistribute votes as the come available… But at the end of the day it’s not really our platform to design and build. It’s appsheet’s, we’re just using it.

But really the best system is probably every user only gets one vote, and you leave your vote on your number one item…

Gold 1
Gold 1

The part I can definitely agree with is that AppSheet makes the final decision and that opinions we express here are for their reference.

Bronze 5
Bronze 5

I know this post is old, but maybe you could have it to where instead of # of votes, it displays the # of votes, as well as the % of users who saw the post and voted. Just an idea. Thanks!

Gold 1
Gold 1

Thanks @retailpartnercom ! I’m not sure why but I haven’t run up against the limitation on my number of votes recently. I don’t know if I have more votes now or if the system has been changed.

Status changed to: Open
Community Manager
Community Manager
Bronze 5
Bronze 5

Go to the files of the app located in for example Google Drive (where your apps may be stored), it will show the creation date of the folder/file etc.