Appsheet Crypto Wallets

Does appsheet have any plans to include cryptocurrency wallets? It would be amazing to be able to create my own exchange with erc20 tokens.

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Bronze 1
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Experts expect this. Cryptocurrency wallets should become the main technological trend of this year.
Bronze 1
Bronze 1

I couldn't help but jump into this conversation because I've been dabbling in cryptocurrency lately, and the idea of using Appsheet to create my own exchange with ERC20 tokens sounds intriguing. Taylor_Felt2, you've got an interesting thought there! It's incredible to think about the possibilities that Appsheet could open up in the world of crypto. The Oil Profit traders caught my eye too, as I've been exploring different avenues in the crypto space to diversify my investments. I don't have the insider scoop on Appsheet's plans, but the crypto world is evolving rapidly, and who knows what the future holds?

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

It's intriguing to consider the potential for integrating cryptocurrency wallets and ERC20 tokens into custom applications. While I'm not aware of specific plans from AppSheet in this area, you can explore platforms like MetaMask or other Ethereum-based tools to incorporate cryptocurrency functionalities into your projects. Additionally, services like offer solutions for accepting Ethereum (ETH) payments within various applications and websites.