Audio Recording /Audio Playing Field Type

Would be awesome to be able to play music through the app or even record audio through the app. Same principle as the image field but an Audio Recorder / Audio Player.

Status Under Review
57 21 1,348
Bronze 3
Bronze 3

Just checking, is this on the roadmap, we would find it particularly helpful for our apps

Gold 4
Gold 4

Yes it should be in the pipeline according to latest update from Appsheet dev team.
It should involve the technical challenges, but let s wait and see with hope.

Bronze 3
Bronze 3

That’s great to hear! Can’t wait

Silver 1
Silver 1

Same feature request here. I´m building right now an app that would benefit a lot from in app voice memo recording.

Bronze 5
Bronze 5

any update on this?

Status changed to: Open
Community Manager
Community Manager
Silver 1
Silver 1

Here is one scenario in which this feature could come in handy:

In our company we work hand to hand with farmers and fishermen in rural areas around villages in Central-American Countries. Thanks to AppSheet and Starlink we’ve been able to empower these communities by stepping up their inventory processes. However there are still some challenges to fix, one of these challenges is that in the vast majority of the cases these people don’t know how to write. We have solved this by creating extremely simple and intuitive apps, but there are still some cases in which they need to leave a memo, a note or communicate with our team via the AppSheet app and a voice memo is the only way. We’ve been using mp3 files with native audio recording apps to walk around this issue but an in-app audio recording and playing will be far more practical than this. 


I know this is a very specific scenario but I also see this need at my wife’s job, in education, working with children there are some activities in which they need to record an answer from a child that does not know how to write yet. 


What I’m trying to say is that this feature will solve all of the use cases in which the user finds it hard or impossible to leave a written answer on the device.

Bronze 4
Bronze 4

שימושי מאוד

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

Highly useful feature for my apps. Can't wait for this as well. 

Bronze 4
Bronze 4

היום לאנשים אין זמן להקליד 😀

Status changed to: Under Review
Community Manager
Community Manager
Bronze 1
Bronze 1

but not only as a player also to record reports and if possibe to transcribe from an audio into a long text

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

Yes, an in app audio or video player would be very helpful in a lot of applications in my opinion.

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

It's an essential feature to allow a more natural interaction with users.

Silver 5
Silver 5

Can someone give any updates on this feature request? Please @Roderick