Desktop Appsheet Software and Mobile Editor

I've been thinking that, like Excel, Access, and many others, AppSheet could have software where the design experience is faster in terms of syncing, and when ready, there's the possibility to sync everything at once with the online version. This is just to speed up the design process.

Another great option would be to create a mobile editor so people can edit and create apps while on the go.

Best regards.

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Silver 3
Silver 3

We already have the "Quick sync", which automatically syncs data to all devices all at once without even updating the app anymore. You could also enable quick Edit in table view to solve this issue and have the result you're looking for. 


Thank you very much for your comment. It would also be great if they created a mobile editor.

Silver 3
Silver 3

Appsheet could definitely have more view types. Maybe one called "Sheet" that looks like a spreadsheet of google sheets where data is just synced as you change it.

Other views that I think are necessary are Gantt and Kanban, the funny part is that they already have them on the appsheet database, they could bring them to the apps too.

YEAH! definitely, Gantt I'm sure is fundamental. That's why it deserves a separate post. In fact, I think I have applied for it before.

Silver 3
Silver 3

Me too

I think this idea could be a great option. Being able to load everything on the PC and then upload the content to AppSheet just once would save resources and make the process even faster.

Gold 1
Gold 1

I came here because I'm interested in being able to edit from a mobile device.  Of course, a computer with a wide screen is ideal for editing but sometimes a change may be needed when one is not a one's computer.  I think it's a little ironic that this platform is intended to make spreadsheet data easily accessible and editable from a smartphone but the platform itself isn't smartphone friendly.

Gold 1
Gold 1

I see now that I had already posted about the need for better editing capabilities from a mobile device.  Please see the following: