Hide/show complete columns in table view (not column values, not action but filter)

Dear AppSheet team,

would be great to have the option of hiding/showing chosen column through a filter button (not through conditional hide of a specific column value, not throgh an action (like the link to filtered view)).
The solution through “go to filtered view” costs much time and does not allow to go back without coming bck to the previous view.
The solution of “show if” of a single value of the column filteres only the specific value, but does not hide the whole column. So in the table view the column itself is shown, but without values.

Filter out specific columns (like rows) would be great! Especially to be able to create specific filtered views of a table.

Thank you much!

Status Under Review
9 23 2,214
Bronze 1
Bronze 1

Yes I agree with this requirement! totally necessary

Bronze 1
Bronze 1

Bump! This feature would be really useful.

Bronze 1
Bronze 1


I would consider this is a bug. The power of appSHEET is that it allows companies to control and display their information. Considering most apps utilize table view, the show/hide COLUMN setting should really show/hide the COLUMN in the table view in the APP.

Status changed to: Under Review
Community Manager
Community Manager
Bronze 2
Bronze 2

This would be a awesome feature, totally useful

Bronze 5
Bronze 5

I have also just run into this issue. I can't understand what the utility of showing an empty column is, while revealing the header, and taking up space in a table. 

If you want to hide or secure the contents of a column while still displaying it, other methods exist already.

Please make Show_IF hide the entire column.

Bronze 1
Bronze 1


The same here. I was racking my brain trying to figure out how to solve this until I came to this forum and discovered many people with the same problem.

Have a list of patient laboratory tests with many empty values that would look ugly without this option.

The ability to hide empty columns is very necessary!!

Bronze 2
Bronze 2

Mais um que precisa dessa funcionalidade! Meu cliente precisa visualizar dinamicamente suas tabelas. Precisa dessa funcionalidade de exibição dinamica de colunas.

Alguma previsão para implementação?