In the editing platform, multiple column selection settings

Hi there,

I wish to have the possibility to make multiple selections in columns edition. For example, set all columns to “not searchable” at once. Then I could just pick one or two columns I want to be searchable. That would be very handy for 100 columns tables.


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Abbbbbsolutely!!! This would be very welcome and could really help speed things up. (^_^)

New Member

This is definitely an important feature.

I just had a situation where I had to prevent over 50 columns (not all visible at once!) from being edited if the “Customer Signature” was not blank.

It was tedious in the extreme to set “Editable If” for all of these columns (4 clicks, paste, two clicks for each one).

Multi Select and the ability to do the same thing to every selected data column would be a great feature for those of us who push AppSheets limits.

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