Increased Voting Limit For more loyal Users


Been at my voting limit for a while not, Don’t want to remove votes from other feature requests,

Requesting to add something so the more a user has been active, etc, the higher there voting limit should be, Its been a few months now and I thought I may eventually get more votes, but been stuck at voting limit for a while now,


Status Open
2 21 616
Gold 1
Gold 1

I’ve vote for this, but I’m at my limit too.

Does anyone know when they reset?

New Member

Lol I know right… I cant Vote for my own request

Platinum 1
Platinum 1
New Member

I guess just works backwards on me, I don’t want to take my votes off of other requests until they have been implemented

Gold 1
Gold 1

I have run out of votes also.

Platinum 1
Platinum 1

I completely agree with a vote limit.

For it to be effective, we each need to proactively adjust our voting priority. In other words when new requests are posted, we might find that one of those is of higher priority to ourselves so we would need to “move” one of our votes to the higher priority item.

BUT…to be proactive we need to be able to see which voted items are using up our vote count (I would think really old or implemented items would return those votes).

How do we see where our current votes are being used? Is there a way?

New Member

Yes this would help,
Slso maybe Appsheet should implement some kind of dashboard so users can see what features have the highest votes via graphs etc, and every month appsheet takes this item and implements it to the best of there ability. It then gets erased and everyone gets there votes back.

Platinum 1
Platinum 1

You can go to the Features list and click on the Votes button at the top to see an ordered list of items - most votes descending to least.

There is also a “My Votes” button. But I wonder if this shows everything we have voted on or if it only shows those with “active” votes on them. The idea being that as voted items drop off the list we get back those votes for use. But maybe this doesn’t happen?

Platinum 4
Platinum 4


Silver 5
Silver 5

Haha, all the people that want more votes can’t vote for the feature that would give them more votes… This is pretty dang funny.

New Member

LOL. Kicking myself in the arse

Platinum 1
Platinum 1

@Jonathan_S @Lynn @Steve @Marc_Dillon

It is funny!

Kidding aside…you can vote. You just need to find an item you voted on (see @Steve’s post above for the My Votes button) that is less important, remove that vote and then apply the vote to the request that is more important. This is the only way we can truly bubble up the items that are most important to the overall community.

Silver 5
Silver 5

I agree I have plenty of votes…
I only vote for the big ticket items. Like hierarchy, better charts, etc.

Platinum 1
Platinum 1

Curious…does anyone know how many total votes we do have to use? Is there somewhere to see that?

Gold 1
Gold 1

I had the same question. The only thing I can see is, that they reduced the amount of votes we can give. Because: Even if I remove votes, I will still be over the limit.

Edit: It seems that we can give 59 votes.