Input() function to add new rows

Hi I liked the feature very much. But it will be great if we have input() function even when adding the new rows to another table.


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9 5 232
Gold 4
Gold 4

Input() is still a work in progress, when they announced it (way back when) they mentioned this is on the roadmap.

Until then... there's always another way!

Always another way (matrix) - reduced.gif

In a recent live stream I upgraded a shopping cart sample app to allow for this type of functionality; you can watch here:

Silver 5
Silver 5

@MultiTech is a legend


Silver 4
Silver 4

You have my vote.  I know this was already discussed in length when they initially announced the Input() function.
What you're trying to accomplish can be done by separating actions and grouping them, when in fact, as you suggested, just allow Input() to work on the action "Add rows to another table"

Silver 4
Silver 4

Still not supported?  HOw convenient would it be if a user clicks "Add" in a child table, but instead of being redirected to a form, a pop-up just shows up allowing the user to supply the needed information for the new item being added to the child table.

Come on, AppSheet!  Give us this!

Gold 1
Gold 1

I would also like this feature. Right now I solve this with grouped action. 

  1. Add a new row with some data from the initial row
  2. Ref to the new created row and use an action with some INPUT() expressions that will pop up the INPUT() fields
  3. Open the detail view of the new created row

The problem is: It the user hits CANCEL in the INPUT() pop up window, a new row is already created. To delete it, you need a bot.

This is the case also in @MultiTech 's example.


If we could use INPUT() already in the first action (add a new row to another table using values from this row), then by clicking CANCEL, no new row would be created.