List Google Shared Drives that are shared to a Google Group in the Admin Console

Feature Request: List the Google Shared drives shared via a Google Group in the Admin Console similar to what is shown when viewing a user under the "Shared drives" section.

Background: Currently in the Google Admin Console when you look at a user entry you can see the list of Google Shared Drives that user has access to.  Google Shared drives can also be shared via a Google Group so having a list of Shared Drives when looking at the Google Group in the Google Admin Console would help in auditing what Groups have access to which Shared Drives.

Use case: Currently, when we on-board new employees or employees change positions we have to manually go through each Google Shared drive to remove or re-assign access.  If access can be done via a Google Group this would greatly simply granting and revoking access.  However, if there is no way to list which Google Groups have access to which Shared drives then it makes it impossible to audit.   Thus the request to add a way to list which Shared Drives are shared to a Group.

Status Open
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1 Comment
New Member

This is silly that this needs to be a request. This is something Microsoft has had for 20+ years. I can't believe it doesn't exist. You can't tell me Google eats its own dog food and has to manage - audit drive group access like their customers