Lock phone until action is taken in app

I have a feature request, not sure if possible, and I think it applies more to a corporate setting.

Background: I have 250+ drivers who are supposed to submit a van audit weekly (and a shorter version daily). Roughly 50% are doing it without prompting and I also have notifications scheduled Tue-Fri, triggered if they don’t submit an audit, as a reminder. I still have 25% which I struggle to convince to do their job.

Idea: notification blocks the phone (with the option to snooze for a - variable - 5 minutes, say), until they complete the action.
Same could be used for any workflows that await user input - sign off sheet, approvals, etc.

I think it would be a good feature to make sure users comply with a process, when the only other option left is to get new users…

Thank you for considering!

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New Member

I doubt this will possible. Not only would that require you to specifically declare special permissions (within Android at least), but there would be no way to implement this is the web version, and I don’t know about Apple permissions. But since implementation cannot be applied universally, I doubt it will be added. At least in the near future.

Hell, I’m still hoping for a way to determine device type/screen size to do conditional based views.

Platinum 1
Platinum 1

Yah this would be a huge permissions issue.

@Bahbus, you mean like the CONTEXT(“Host”) expression?

New Member

@Marc_Dillon The problem is that Context(“Host”) will only tell me device, browser, or server. So that doesn’t tell me if the device is phone or tablet. I’m more interested in programmatically finding the dimensions of the screen and conditionally applying different views. Why might I want to do this? Well, a detail view looks great on a phone, but on a tablet I prefer literally anything else - especially if the tablet is horizontal. So, I suppose, another alternative would be to give us more customizable settings for each viewtype.

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