Make it possible to use "expression" in background, launch image as well as app logo

Following up with the recent post dicussion of ; -

In short, we wish to use the expression to construct the link to URL for background, launch image rather than static URL in order to dynamically change the image URL based on user defined app formula.

At the end, editor UI looks like

Instead of

Thank you for considering.

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Silver 4
Silver 4

In Windows 10, the background picture of the login screen changes dynamically. It automatically uses BING pictures according to the settings you make.

I searched the form. Can we change the Lanuch Image dynamically (with expressions)?

I came across your feature request.

I need something like this, During synchronization, it would be great to show different pictures or information written pictures (or etc …) every day.

This topic has been discussed before me. And I guess there will be no consequences.

Still, I am desperately voting on the feature request.

Status changed to: Open
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