Publisher Pro public app live. Please define the data from users, which I am not on a plan to receive

After a day or two of confusion over the term ‘personal use’, losing all momentum for my launch and 200 eager testers waiting to try the app not being able to access it and being put off - all gone now, I then notice that people are being told

’When you use this app, the app creator ( may receive

1. Your locale, timezone and device identifier

**2. Your app usage information **

The app may also utilize the input and local storage features of your device. Please peruse the terms and conditions and policies of the app and Appsheet before you proceed.

The word MAY is the operative word here as I, the app creator, CATEGORICALLY DO NOT get, store or use anything of the sort. Why are my first users being TOLD this???/ Where is all this information stored by me???

This misleading information has probably put off all the 200 people who were eager to try my app.

[Warning to users about data I do not get on Publisher Pro.]

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Gold 1
Gold 1

I think the distinction comes down to CAN you do those things? and yes that information is available to the application. The usage information I believe would be in the audit history of the app? Even if the data/identity of the user is not shown, it is still app usage information.
This policy of informing users about these things was brought up somewhat recently I believe in direct response to the google cloud purchase. Just because a creator doesn’t do something does not exclude the fact that it is possible. Appsheet is a web based app not a completely local application so disabling this is not even in the realm of a possibility.

Platinum 1
Platinum 1

First, you CAN modify the About screen to include your own message about the warning at the bottom. Read on below.

After many consumer complaints over the years and several lawsuits later, the governing bodies instituted regulations that almost all software vendors must follow concerning privacy.

Below is the Announcement provided by AppSheet when they rolled-out this change.

@Austin_Lambeth is correct. The privacy message is something our apps must have to meet regulations and protect us developers. It might be that your app is not capturing that information but the capabilities reside within AppSheet to do so. You could change your app and plan in the future.

You CAN soften the privacy message to prevent scaring away potential users by saying something like

"the message below is required to inform you of the possibility of blah blah blah. THIS app does NOT currently in any way capture your personal information nor share it with any other entities. Should the app change in the future we will blah blah blah. Your app usage information may be captured ONLY to allow for troubleshooting should you encounter any issues while using the application..."


You’ll need to word such a message to fit your specific need. If you are concerned about the need or wording, I would advise to consult a legal professional.


Hi @SophieSweatman, to fastpath your issues, please feel free to send me email directly at

I am one of the founders of AppSheet and continue to be very involved in all aspects of the service. I observe you posting here in the community as well as in our support channel. I’ve been tracking it and trying to help behind the scenes, but it will be more efficient for you if I can just answer you directly.

Bronze 2
Bronze 2

Hi Praveen, thank you very much for this. I will send a short email with my user experience with Appsheet as it is really good and I enjoy using it and learning how to use it better.

My issues have all been centred around expectation management and whether terms or notifications are clearly defined to prevent avoidable hitches in my user experience and that of my app users’ too.

I will send an email shortly

Best regards


Bronze 2
Bronze 2

Hi Austin,

Thank you very much for your replies and for understanding my query so well and addressing my concerns.

Unfortunately the prototype testers, people recovering from COVID-19, have not responded at all to my Appsheet prototype. I do not think, with the query about usage data, there has been sufficient gain from a reference only app that requires pen and paper. I kept discovering boundaries after the event as clarify and forewarnings to manage expectations were missing, in my experience. I could have known things further in advance to avoid some stumbling blocks, which haven’t helped my progress and cost me loads of time and stress. I have tried to explain my position but not drawn more users in. The warning seems to have put them off as they do not know me and probably imagine that Google will get their data.

Best regards


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