Revert back to default column order after sorting on table view

By clicking the name of the column on table view, it will sort by asc/dec is useful feature, but the current problem is we are not able to remove sorting after applying.

We need to move to anothe view and back to the table view to see the original order of set of rows.

It is ideal we have feature such as “double-clicking” (or tapping twice on mobile) over the sorting column then it will remove row sorting, bring view back to the original, kinda of interaction.

Thank you for considering.



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Gold 4
Gold 4

On the other day I introduced quick tips like this.

but this is not ideal and solving the issue perfectly. This trick is just using deeplink action to promt the user back to the same view (to revive grouping and sorting). The app will remember state of previous view, so we need to hit the back button multiple type to go to another view, as we are not able to “drop” the state of the navigation and previous view while we are navigating the app, view to view.

Bronze 5
Bronze 5

Or maybe they can have 3 taps,

Back to Original order

I have noticed this…

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