When outputting NULLs in URL type columns to a CSV file, output in JSON format.

When outputting a CSV file in Automation, a problem occurs with URL type columns if the template file is used as is.

If the value is not null, it is output as expected.
However, if the value is null, the output is in JSON format.

The resulting CSV created has problems with the column order.
I would like to have it changed so that if it is NULL, it is output as NULL.

Template file


Output csv file




This problem can be worked around by applying TEXT() to the URL column in the template file. However, we do not want to go to the trouble of making this modification.



Status Open
1 4 122
Gold 4
Gold 4

FWIW, this seems like a bug more than a feature request.

Silver 5
Silver 5

Thanks, @dbaum 

Yes, I totally agree with you.

Unfortunately, As you know, this community does not have an Issue report category.😥

It's not a FAQ, nor a Trick of course, so I'm writing it here anyway.
I hope the Dev team will find it.

Gold 4
Gold 4

Yes, understood. The only place to report a bug is wherever seems most appropriate within this community or else AppSheet support. I hope that calling it out explicitly as a bug helps get the appropriate attention.

Gold 4
Gold 4

@takuya_miyai @dbaum 

I agree both of you. I just attempted to throw "thumb up (いいね)” to you guys here, but I noticed it is impossble on this category. Silly.  I can only upvote to the original thread for this category.