Workflows with Google Docs

I have a specific use case currently using Google Forms, Google Sheets, Google Docs and Appscript to tie it all together.
Most of what I want to do can be done using Appsheet except for one thing.
I have a Google Doc template that gets information added to it from the form using tags. However, instead of sending that Document as a PDF, other things have to happen to it after it has been created.
My Apps script creates the Google Doc and populates it. Then, it adds the User who filled out the form as an editor, adds another specific user and then gives that specific user Ownership of that document. Giving Ownership triggers Google’s own email system to say you have been given ownership of the doc, so that specific user knows that another behaviour event has happened and can begin their own workflow with regards to that specific document. Also, my script then emails the user who filled in the Google Form and attaches (just a share really, not a physical document) the newly created document with some boilerplate text informing that user to share the document with all staff involved in the incident. And, finally, my script removes myself as an editor of the document so I don’t have access to it anymore.
Appsheet could possibly add these workflow actions? Specifically, options for Sharing templated documents in original format, adding users with specific access (edit, comment, view), giving Ownership of created documents away and so on. Is it possible?
The document by the way is part of a pupil behaviour system that gets generated when physical interventions happen. The document has input from multiple staff involved with the incident and document collaboration is amazing for this task. PDF will not be suitable in this case.

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Hi @Scott_Robinson

Thank you for posting interesting topics. Nothing is impossible with Appsheet I would say. Not only actions and workflow alone, but other bits and pieces (I call tricks) should achieve your goal.

My notion is always “Dont type script as much as possible, but achieve my goal without it”. I believe the power of no code platform, thats one of the reason.

I simply thought you may consider to replace your existing workflow in terms of entry of data through the appsheet app rather than google form. Let all the things being completed within Appsheet app. There is option to employ Zap or other their party service, but i tend to avoid to use in the production app. You can control the users right (can edit, view only, not able to view itself, show hide action etc within Appsheet, based on login users.).

I m currently developing inventory + order management app, which is pretty much complicated. Load of different group of app users involved.

  1. Owner of the equipment 2) Owner place new order to get the equipment 3) Agent receive the order and access and approve 4) Equipment maker receive approved order and start to manufacture 5) Maker to deliver the equipment to reciever 6) Upon delivery, the receiver is to start the leasing contract of equipment from Owner of equipment. 7) Recerver start to use the equipment. 😎 new receiver will inspect the equipment and prepare inspection report… 9) Inventory manager locate where the equipment currently are etc, and control the inventory. 10) accounting section look after the invoicing for lease agreement.

and lots more.

Testing is working fine so far with this complex app, but without involving Script and/or any other service, I can achieve this with just single app. Not splitting apps to multiple ones, as we area able to control who the log in user, which company he is belonging to etc.

Appsheet is super powerful.

New Member

Hi Tsuji,

Do you see any possibility for workflow to produce a Google Document File ? Please see my post.

In case not, could this feature be added ?

Kind regards

Gold 4
Gold 4

Save output as HTML open the file by Google doc, (or even MS Words), could be only a solution it came up with my mind, sorry for little help.

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