Credits sharing for Lab

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Thank you. Credits received.

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Hey, Need 6 credits (3 + 3) for 

Qwiklabs Trivia December 2023 Week 1 and

Qwiklabs Trivia December 2023 Week 2

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Thank you 🙂

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can you share the credits .I want them to complete my labs my email is <PII removed by staff>

Hey just need 10 credits..

my profile

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102 REPLIES 102

Hey I need 10 credits to complete 2 labs (5+5). Could you pls  share with me?

my profile:


Hi i Need around 8 to 10 credits for the lab completion because i stuck at 70 to 80 percent in each course . If you share some credits it will be fruitful 

my profile is 

i want some credits about 10

Hello @hiteshverse 

I need 5 credits to take my labs. 

Thanks in advance!

Hi Hitesh,

      I will be needing 6 credits.

Thank you

Hello @hiteshverse 

I need 5 credits to complete some of my labs.

My profile is

Thanks, Obidad

Need 7 credits for labs



hi am learning data analytics and ai through google cloud skills and need around 55 credits in total. Please share if possible. 

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Dear vyomrana02 ,

 I am currently working on completing my Google Quicklab Learning Path, an essential aspect of my professional development. However, I am facing a challenge as I lack sufficient credits to complete the required labs.

I kindly request your assistance in providing me with the necessary credits to successfully finish my learning path. Your support would greatly contribute to my skill development and help me achieve my learning goals efficiently.

I assure you that I am committed to utilizing these credits responsibly to enhance my knowledge and expertise in the relevant areas.

Thank you for considering my request. I genuinely appreciate your support and assistance in this matter.

Warm regards,


Need : 100 credits

EMAIL ID: <PII removed by staff>

Hey, I would be very thankful if you could share some credits with me.

Thanks in advance 🙂

Hey! Seeking 10 Google Cloud Platform credits to explore and learn. If you can spare any, I'd greatly appreciate it! Here's my profile link:

Thanks a bunch!

70 credits needed!!!

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Could you share around 20 credits with me? I require them to complete labs for certification exam preparation.

Thank You.

hi i was a new user i want some credits to complete the lab could u share 20 credits please


Hey, just need 10 credits.

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Need to complete lab.

Thank You!

Heyyy, Need 20 credits to complete 4 lab

Hey , i need 20 credits. Please do share your credits .

Hi! It's the first time it asks for credits, it's 1 credit for this one badge claim. Are you still able to help?

Hey, I want some credits to explore more lab and course.

Hello hiteshverse, 
I need 50 credits to complete the cloud labs of two courses. As a beginner, I have 0 credits as of now, hence unable to proceed further. It would be of great help if I could get these credits.
My Profile :
Thank You

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