Seeking help/Advice for SEO Management

I am new here and trying to assess if it could be used for my use case. I am looking for a tool to document each of the URLs on my travel website, the primary and semantic keywords for that page and link up pages in silos of pages that are semantically related. I would also like to be able to input hundreds of LSI keywords that will form the basis of a content plan to create articles for in the future.

I guess I am just trying to understand the best way to start and structure things.

Is it practical to have each keyword (potentially thousands) as a separate entity. And then each URL as a separate entity? How can I allocate a keyword to one or more pages?

I can’t quite get my head around how to structure since keywords can be related to each other in clusters (important), same for URLS, and to have the ability to track relationships between all of these which for each entity can be multi directional connections.

As an aside, being able to import keywords (csv) would be important. URLs on the other hand can be manually entered because theya re less numerous and the site is relatively new with 200-odd URLs, so manageable to manually enter.

I would be incredibly grateful if anyone were to share insights or suggestions.


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Let's start with keywords and URL documentation. Since you mentioned you could have potentially thousands of keywords and you also have a decent number of URLs, a spreadsheet or specialized SEO tool can make this process more manageable. A key column would be to link semantically related pages, as you mentioned, and to identify the primary and semantic keywords for each page.
To ensure that your SEO strategy is on the right track, you could use tools like the site seo checker. This tool would give you an overview of your SEO metrics and suggest what you could improve on.
Last but not least, being able to import keywords via CSV is indeed a great feature to look out for when choosing your SEO management tool.

Managing SEO for a travel website is quite a task, but it sounds like you're on the right track with your plan.

To structure your SEO strategy effectively, here are some thoughts:

Keyword Mapping
Entity-based SEO
Keyword Clusters
CSV Import
Silo Structure

If you ever feel overwhelmed or need specialized assistance, consider getting in touch with a Premier Digital Marketing Agency. They often have the expertise to streamline your SEO strategy and make it more effective. Good luck with your SEO endeavors!

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