Slow behavior when I'm running playbook simulator

Hi Community, excuse me, I'm working rn in a playbook but I've experimented a really slow behavior when I'm running the simulator. This playbook has more than 89 steps and I guess it could be a reason why this is behaving like that... additionally, when the simulation is running on step 70 (approx) the thread of processes looks like is frozen then doesn't respond any manual action or next step... it's just frozen.

Do you know if there is any specific number of limited steps or something else?

Thanks in advance

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Hi @Miguel_Altuzar , can I ask you what version of Siemplify are you using?

also, have you tried convert some of the steps to blocks?

Hi @Tomtomfridman I actually use the but I guess it should be related to the host's performance 'cause I set some steps to blocks and I've reduced the main playbook to 54 steps but... the performance is still behaving so slow when I'm moving forward in the processes, I'll try to optimize it more until I can run it normally. But my really question now is about why does the simulation freeze after some steps and doesn't advance anymore even with automatic steps or after a multiplechoice question.

btw... thanks for following this up!

Do you know how much CPU and RAM set in your machine, here is some recommended requirements, may be it could help?

I'll double check then, this will be so helpful, thanks a lot