Trigger a playbook from a Job

Hi Community, is it possible to trigger a playbook from a Job? I would like to use Siemplify to collect information from various Integrations and send all these data via email on daily basis. A playbook fits best, because it allows me to call Actions from different Integrations. But I don't want to create case. Is there a way to trigger playbook without a case? Many thanks in advance for any suggestions you may have!

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I am also curious about the answer as we wanted to write a synchronization job where we would like to re-use a "block" for rendering the content. So for us being able to call a block from a job would be very helpful.

I've also thought there is a real use-case for building playbooks triggered by jobs (instead of cases) but I don't think this is possible

Hi! There is no option to trigger a playbook by a job. can you please elaborate on the use case?