Integrar Google agenda e Google contatos com o Appsheet usando GAS

Integrar Google agenda e Google contatos com o Appsheet usando GAS

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Seguem dois scripts do Google Apps Script para usar na automaรงรฃo

1 - Adiciona, deleta ou modifica contatos no Google Contatos
2 - Adiciona ou deleta eventos no Google Agenda


function delete_events(title)
//take care: Date function starts at 0 for the month (January=0)
var fromDate = new Date(2014,7,1,0,0,0);
var toDate = new Date(2028,2,1,0,0,0);
var calendarName = 'your_calendar_name';
var toRemove = title;

var calendar = CalendarApp.getDefaultCalendar();
var events = calendar.getEvents(fromDate, toDate,{search: toRemove});
for(var i=0; i<events.length;i++)
var ev = events[i];
if(ev.getTitle()==toRemove) //check if the title matches
Logger.log('Item '+ev.getTitle()+' found on '+ev.getStartTime()); // show event name and date in log
ev.deleteEvent(); //uncomment this line to actually do the delete !



* Adds a one hour long calendar event to the caller's default calendar
* @PARAM {string} eventName the name of the event
* @PARAM {string} startDatetime the starting date time of the event
function createHourLongCalendarEvent(title, startDatetime, location) {
const eventName = typeof title === 'string' ? title : 'My event';
const startDate = typeof startDatetime === 'string' ? new Date(startDatetime) : new Date();
const endTime = addHoursToDate(startDate, 2);
const eventlocation = {location : location};

var event = CalendarApp.getDefaultCalendar().createEvent(



* Returns a new date with x hours added to it.
* Meant as a helper function
* @PARAM {Date} startingDate the starting date to add hours to
* @PARAM {number} hours number of hours to add
* @return {Date} the new date
function addHoursToDate(startingDate, hours) {
var newDate = new Date(startingDate.getTime());
newDate.setHours(newDate.getHours() + hours);
return newDate;


function deleteCalendarEvent(title) {
const eventName = {title : title};

var calendar = CalendarApp.getDefaultCalendar();
var event = title


// Deletes an event if it exists
function deleteEvent(event) {
if (typeof event != 'undefined') {
Logger.log("Deleting event %s", event.getTitle())


Ambos foram encontrados na internet e fiz pequenas alteraรงรตes

Espero que ajude os usuรกrios que buscam estas integraรงรตes


1 3 519

Vocรช sรณ adicionou os de integraรงรฃo com o google calendar, meu caro. Porรฉm, no vรญdeo abaixo hรก um link na descriรงรฃo para o script de integraรงรฃo ao google contacts: 

Verdade amigo, agora que vi

Vou corrigir 

Segue script correto para Google Contatos


function contato() {
refractiv shared functions for Google Apps Shared Contacts
version 1.0

var sContactsApiUrl;

var bUseBatch = true;
var iBatchSize = 95//100 is max

//this fixes issue "The user is over quota" on delete and upload
var iSleep = 1000;

var sAtomHeader = "<atom:entry xmlns:atom=''" +
    " xmlns:gd=''>" +
    "<atom:category scheme=''" + 

var sBatchHeader = "<feed xmlns=''" +
    " xmlns:gContact=''" +
    " xmlns:gd=''" +
    " xmlns:batch=''>" +
    "<category scheme=''" +

function getEncodedSheetValue(aRowValuesiRowaColsaColIndexbEncode){
  if (aCols[0][aColIndex]){
    //acols stores column letters where data is to be found
    var sColLetters = aCols[0][aColIndex].toLowerCase();
    //but the data is an array for speed, so need to turn the letters into a column number
    //a=97 z=122
    var iColIndex = sColLetters.charCodeAt(0) - 96;
    if (sColLetters.length == 2iColIndex = (iColIndex * 26) + (sColLetters.charCodeAt(1) - 96);
    //now get the value - the array is zero indexed
    var sReturn = aRowValues[iRow - 1][iColIndex - 1];//oSheet.getRange(aCols[0][aColIndex] + iRow).getValue();
    //sReturn = sReturn.replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, '');
    if (bEncodesReturn = htmlEncode(sReturn);
    //return false;
    return sReturn;
    return 0;

function doUploadContacts(oSheetaColNumssSourceCode) {

  if (!checkSettings()) return false;
  //var oCell = oSheet.getRange('a1');

  var iRowsMax = oSheet.getLastRow();
  var iUploaded = 0;
  //limit for debugging?
  //iRowsMax = 10;
  var iBatchId = 0;
  var sBatchData = sBatchHeader;
  //for speed, read whole row into an array(
  //google is generous with memory but not with CPU cycles - 5 mins max execution time)
  var aRowValues = oSheet.getRange(11iRowsMaxoSheet.getLastColumn()).getValues();
  for (var iRow = 2iRow <= iRowsMaxiRow++){
    //use Status filter to exclude unwanted rows
    var sFilterValueThis = getEncodedSheetValue(aRowValuesiRowaColNums0false);
    var sFilterAvoid = aColNums[0][1].toLowerCase();
    if (!sFilterValueThis || !sFilterAvoid || (sFilterValueThis.toLowerCase().indexOf(sFilterAvoid)) == -1){      
      var sFirstName = getEncodedSheetValue(aRowValuesiRowaColNums2true);
      //return false;
      var sLastName = getEncodedSheetValue(aRowValuesiRowaColNums3true);
      var sCompany = getEncodedSheetValue(aRowValuesiRowaColNums4true);
      var sJobTitle = getEncodedSheetValue(aRowValuesiRowaColNums5true);
      var sEmailAddress = getEncodedSheetValue(aRowValuesiRowaColNums6false);
      var sPhoneMobile = getEncodedSheetValue(aRowValuesiRowaColNums7false);
      var sPhoneWork = getEncodedSheetValue(aRowValuesiRowaColNums8false);
      var sPhoneHome = getEncodedSheetValue(aRowValuesiRowaColNums9false);
      var sNotes = getEncodedSheetValue(aRowValuesiRowaColNums10true);
      var sPostData = bUseBatch ? "" : sAtomHeader;
      sPostData += "<gd:name>";
      sPostData += sFirstName ? " <gd:givenName>" + sFirstName + "</gd:givenName>" : "";
      sPostData += sLastName ? " <gd:familyName>" + sLastName + "</gd:familyName>" : ""
      //" <gd:fullName>" + sFirstName + " " + sLastName + "</gd:fullName>" +
      sPostData += "</gd:name>";
      sPostData += sEmailAddress ? "<gd:email rel='" + sNSurl"#work' primary='true' address='" + sEmailAddress + "' />" : "";
      sPostData += sPhoneWork ? "<gd:phoneNumber rel='" + sNSurl"#work'>" + sPhoneWork + "</gd:phoneNumber>" : "";
      sPostData += sPhoneMobile ? "<gd:phoneNumber rel='" + sNSurl"#mobile'>" + sPhoneMobile + "</gd:phoneNumber>" : "";  
      sPostData += sPhoneHome ? "<gd:phoneNumber rel='" + sNSurl"#home'>" + sPhoneHome + "</gd:phoneNumber>" : "";  
      if ((sJobTitle + sCompany) != ""){
        sPostData += "<gd:organization rel=''>";
        sPostData += sCompany ? "<gd:orgName>" + sCompany + "</gd:orgName>" : "";
        sPostData += sJobTitle ? "<gd:orgTitle>" + sJobTitle + "</gd:orgTitle>" : "";
        sPostData += "</gd:organization>";
      var sAddressStreet = getEncodedSheetValue(aRowValuesiRowaColNums11true);
      if (sAddressStreet.length > 1){
        var sAddressStreet2 = getEncodedSheetValue(aRowValuesiRowaColNums12true);
        var sAddressCity = getEncodedSheetValue(aRowValuesiRowaColNums13true);
        var sAddressState = getEncodedSheetValue(aRowValuesiRowaColNums14true);
        var sAddressZip = getEncodedSheetValue(aRowValuesiRowaColNums15true);
        var sAddressCountry = getEncodedSheetValue(aRowValuesiRowaColNums16true);
        sPostData += "<gd:structuredPostalAddress rel=''>";
        //#work' primary='true'>
        sPostData += "<gd:street>" + sAddressStreet;
        if (sAddressStreet2sPostData += "\r" + sAddressStreet2;
        //space below deliberately added as quick fix for strange problem where street is empty even though
        //Grove Cottage Low Road
        //line above is adjusted, so try now without space
        sPostData += "</gd:street>";
        sPostData += sAddressCity ? "<gd:city>" + sAddressCity + "</gd:city>" : "";
        sPostData += sAddressState ? "<gd:region>" + sAddressState + "</gd:region>" : "";
        sPostData += sAddressZip ? "<gd:postcode>" + sAddressZip + "</gd:postcode>" : "";
        sPostData += sAddressCountry ? "<gd:country>" + sAddressCountry + "</gd:country>" : "";
        sPostData += "</gd:structuredPostalAddress>";
      sPostData += "<gd:extendedProperty name='SourceCode' value='" + sSourceCode + "'/>";
      //sPostData += "<gd:extendedProperty name='Uploaded' value='" + new Date() + "'/>";
      if (bUseBatch){
        sPostData += sNotes ? "<content type='text'>" + sNotes + "</content>" : "";
        sPostData += sNotes ? "<atom:content type='text'>" + sNotes + "</atom:content>" : "";
      if (bUseBatch){
        sBatchData += "<entry><batch:id>" + iBatchId + "</batch:id><batch:operation type='insert' />" + sPostData + "</entry>";
        if ((iBatchId >= iBatchSize) || ((iRow == iRowsMax))){// && (iBatchId > 1))){
          sBatchData += "</feed>";
          //return false;
          //this fixes issue "The user is over quota"
          var sXML = GoogleHTTPrequest(sContactsApiUrl + "/full/batch""cp""POST"sBatchDatafalse);
          //todo - check for errors
          //<feed><entry>batch:interrupted error="0" parsed="0" reason="The prefix &quot;atom&quot; for element &quot;atom:content&quot; 
          //count these positive results
          //<batch:status code="201" reason="Created"
          iBatchId = 0;
          sBatchData = sBatchHeader;
        sPostData += "</atom:entry>";
        //return false;
        var sXML = GoogleHTTPrequest(sContactsApiUrl + "/full""cp""POST"sPostDatafalse);
      iUploaded ++;
  //send back the total - very lazily
  return iUploaded;

function doDeleteAll(){
  if (!checkSettings()) return false;
  var aEntryIds = new Array(0);
  var aEtags = new Array(0);
  var sNextUrl = sContactsApiUrl + "/base?max-results=200";
  //loop while there's another page of entries
  while (sNextUrl){
    //get a list of entries
    var parsedXml = GoogleHTTPrequest(sNextUrl"cp""GET"""false);
    //return false;
    //get the URL of the next page
    sNextUrl = getChildNodeWithSpecificAttribute(parsedXml"link""rel""next""href");

    //Logger.log("sNextUrl:" + sNextUrl + " aEntryIds.length:" + aEntryIds.length);

    //get the entries  
    var oElements = parsedXml.getElement().getElements("entry");  
    //loop through all entries (rows)
    for (var iCount = 0iCount < oElements.lengthiCount++){
      var oElement = oElements[iCount];
      //<entry gd:etag="&quot;Q30zcTVSLit7I2A9WhRXEEgIRwU.&quot;">
      var sEtag = oElement.getAttribute(sNSurl"etag").getValue();
      //get the unique id
      var sEntryID = oElement.getElement("id").getText();
      sEntryID = sEntryID.replace(/base/g'full');
      //<link href="" rel="edit" type="application/atom+xml"/>
      //append to the array
  if (aEntryIds.length == 0){
    Browser.msgBox(sAppTitle"No shared contacts to delete"Browser.Buttons.OK);
  }else if (Browser.msgBox(sAppTitle"Are you sure you want to delete all " + aEntryIds.length + " Shared Contacts?"Browser.Buttons.OK_CANCEL) == "ok"){
    oWorkbook.toast("Deleting " + aEntryIds.length + " contacts...."sAppTitle, -1);

    var iBatchId = 0;
    var sBatchData = sBatchHeader;
    //now we've got all the id's, delete them all
    for (var iCount = 0iCount < aEntryIds.lengthiCount++){
      //delete each entry                     
      //sXML = GoogleHTTPrequest(aEntryIds[iCount], "cp", "DELETE*", "", false);
      sBatchData += "<entry gd:etag='" + aEtags[iCount] + "'>" +
        "<batch:id>" + iBatchId + "</batch:id>" + 
        "<batch:operation type='delete' />" + 
        "<id>" + aEntryIds[iCount] + "</id>" + 
      if ((iBatchId >= iBatchSize) || (iCount == (aEntryIds.length - 1))){
        sBatchData += "</feed>";
        //Browser.msgBox("Deleting batch...." + iCount);
        //oWorkbook.toast("Deleting batch...." + iCount, sAppTitle, -1);
        //this fixes issue "The user is over quota"
        var sXML = GoogleHTTPrequest(sContactsApiUrl + "/full/batch""cp""POST"sBatchDatafalse);
        //todo - check for errors
        iBatchId = 0;
        sBatchData = sBatchHeader;
    oWorkbook.toast("Finished" + getContactsCount() + " remaining"sAppTitle1);

//get the total number
function getContactsCount() {

  var parsedXml = GoogleHTTPrequest(sContactsApiUrl + "/base?max-results=1""cp""GET"""false);
  var sTotal = parsedXml.getElement().getElement("""totalResults").getText();
  return parseInt(sTotal);


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