How to solve Failed: Hostload exceeded

Anyone can help me this error in google search console "Failed: Hostload exceeded"
my site.

0 22 4,327

Hello, I'm encountering a similar problem while trying to index the link in Google Search Console. I've already investigated with the hosting service, and everything appears to be in order there. I'm completely at a loss as to what the core problem might be.



I am facing the same issue.

Have you solved your problem till now??

Same problem is happening with my website from tomorrow.

Are you using hostinger?

Using godaddy

I have the same issue on multiple website using godaddy.  no changes made to server or content.

I have also same issue. How to solve this. I have no much traffic and having good space in hosting. I'm using godaddy hosting. 

i also facing the same problem 

i am facing this issue for 2 days and do everything my side I call my customer care no help from there side. I have good traffic in my site and now this happen any know about this issue please help 

Your problem is solved till now???


I am also getting same error from Today, in my all websites.

I don't know much about this, but a search lead me to the thread at

Maybe that thread helps? Or maybe it's worth chiming in on that thread?



This has also happened to my sites. All of them at the same host, and also other sites at this host. They had an issue with the firewall softare blocking the Google Crawler. They haven't solved it yet. I have moved one of my sites to a different host now, hoping that this will sort things out. Yet after 4 hours I still have the same problem. I am hoping that a few more hours will get google to search the new site (as it probably hasn't updated it's dns) 

If your problem is fixed? please help me

It will take 2 day and after 2 day you can indexing 2 or 3 URL after that you will get same issue.. I have same issue again. 

No, not fixed. 

After 2 day indexing 2 new url still same issue I don' know how to solve this. Now this is big problem for me now my website traffic going down. 

I also tried moving two of my sites. But I get the same issue on both.
Also did a check on your site, and I get it as well ๐Ÿ˜ž

Skaฬˆrmavbild 2023-10-23 kl. 14.04.30.png

I also experienced the same problem. My traffic has dropped drastically over the last 2 weeks. Tried changing the server IP but it's the same.

I have had this problem for 3 days now

my Problem automatically solved.

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