Apps Script To Save range to PDF file with non profit version of Google Workspace

Hi @Google 

I am using a non profit version of Google for a very small organisation where users have very limited technical skills. I have written a script that should save a range from Google Sheets as a PDF in a shared drive but the Script fails due to Drive API limitations according to Gemini. 

The need for the script is to ensure that new files are created and saved with a standard naming convention and in specific folders. Is there a way this can be achieved? I can't upgrade.

0 4 1,126

What specifically is the error that your code returns ? the Drive API is not limited based on you being a nonprofits user so there's something else going on.

Hi Kevin 

I've been playing with the code some more and it runs all the way through but I get the error Utilities Write is not a function. 


function exportSheetAsPDF() {
// Get the active spreadsheet
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();

// Check if the sheet name is "Export Sheet"
if (ss.getName() !== "Export Sheet") {
Logger.log("Warning: This script is intended for the 'Export Sheet' sheet.");

// Get the sheet containing cell references (adjust sheet name)
var refSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Financial Input");

// Check if the sheet exists
if (!refSheet) {
Logger.log("Error: Sheet named 'Financial Input' not found.");

// Get cell references from the reference sheet (adjust cell references)
var fileNameCell = refSheet.getRange('I4');
var sharedDriveCell = refSheet.getRange('I2');
var folderPathCell = refSheet.getRange('I3');

// Get values from cells and handle invalid characters in filename
var fileName = fileNameCell.getValue().replace(/[\\/:*?"<>|]/g, '_') + ".pdf";
var sharedDrive = sharedDriveCell.getValue();
var folderPath = folderPathCell.getValue();

// Get the sheet with the content to export as PDF
var exportSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Export Sheet");

// Check if the sheet exists
if (!exportSheet) {
Logger.log("Error: Sheet named 'Export Sheet' not found.");

// Get the sheet range (adjust if needed)
var range = exportSheet.getRange(1, 1, exportSheet.getLastRow(), exportSheet.getLastColumn()); // Replace with your desired range

// Build the full file path
var fullPath = sharedDrive + "/" + folderPath + "/" + fileName;

// Create the temporary blob for the PDF content
var pdfBlob = Utilities.newBlob(range.getValues().join('\n'), "application/pdf").setName(fileName);

// Get the subfolder name
var subfolderName = fullPath.split('/')[1];

// Check for folders with the name
var folders = DriveApp.getFoldersByName(subfolderName);

// If there are folders, use the first one
var folder;
if (folders.hasNext()) {
folder =;
} else {
// Handle the case where no folders are found
Logger.log("Warning: No folder named '" + subfolderName + "' found. Creating folder...");
folder = DriveApp.createFolder(subfolderName);

// Check if Utilities object is available (already logged)
Logger.log("Utilities object: ", Utilities);

// Write the PDF content to the folder using Utilities.write
try {
Utilities.write(pdfBlob, MimeType.PDF, fileName, folder);
Logger.log("PDF saved successfully!");
} catch (error) {
Logger.log("Error saving PDF: " + error.message);

If the files are too large, you will not be able to run your script regardless of the version of Google Workspace, if you are running something that would take more than 6 minutes, that wont work, you would need to run it in batches or with cloudrun 

If the files are too large, you will not be able to run your script regardless of the version of Google Workspace, if you are running something that would take more than 6 minutes, that wont work, you would need to run it in batches or with cloudrun 

Feature Consumer (e.g., and G Suite free edition (legacy)
Script runtime 6 min / execution
Custom function runtime 30 sec / execution
Google Workspace Add-on runtime 30 sec / execution
Simultaneous executions per user

I've been playing with the code and trying new things. Now it seems to go all the way through but fails to save. I have placed the code in my response above. I don't think its a size issue.
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