Delegate access to specific labels of contacts in Google Contacts

At the moment I can only delegate access to other users in my organisation to my entire Google Contacts database.

But I do not necessarily want to share my entire contacts list.

It would be useful to be able to delegate other users in my organisation access only to labels that organise contacts...

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Hello @jamesrogers,

Thanks for joining our Community. I wanted to let you know that I have moved your post from Workspace Discussion to Workspace Q&A, since Workspace Discussions is an area for watercooler conversations and Workspace Q&A for product questions.
I have also edited your labels for improved visibility.

Hi @jamesrogers 

This shared contacts manager does what you seem to be looking for.

You also have this Chrome Extension to do it directly from Google contacts Manager.


@jamesrogers Check out the previous thread on this topic. -


Also, look into Patronum where you can share Google Contacts and much more, such as email signature management. Patronum has a nice Google Chrome Extension to make the experience feel native to your users.



There is also a tutorial on YouTube showing the Shared Contacts feature -


I'm a bit hesitate to use a 3rd party application that I am logged into with their app to manage contacts as it adds another level of exposure to potential hacking.  Frankly, Google needs to update their Delegation capability to include some of these features.


Hi @luke89 

Talk with support at .

We can restrict the requested scopes to strictly the ones needed by your operation. In addition of being GDPR/PCI compliant, we are currently passing the ISO 27001 certification, which adds a level of protection to your data.

Hope it helps,

I totaly agree. We currently need to use an apple account that is shared with my managers. This account has all of our employee and customer contact information. My suggestion to google is treat contacts like calendar with labels. One label is personal contacts; another is employees and another is customers. I then, as in Calendar, share certain labels with certain users in my workspace. 

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