GCPW not loading

Hello. In our school we use GCPW and today login working very slow or no working absolutely. Sometimes triggers from third-fourth time.
coincidence today i activate google.cloud account and enabled organizations politices. And now i dont know or this GCPW problem or google cloud. Anyone have problems today with GCPW service?



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Same here.  Seems to be a widespread issue.  I had a neighboring school district reach out to see if we were having the issues.  Seems to be getting worse.  I cannot seem to find information anywhere as to how to start to troubleshoot it.

This is happening to us as well. Did you ever find a solution? We first thought a Windows update had broken something. But not sure. We have updated Chrome to newest version, reinstalled GCPW, disabled our internet filter but it is still randomly occuring.

I write to workspace support. They take my event viewer logs and promisse to contact with me.  Look its a massive problem.

Same here.  Our entire school district is having this issue.  Please report to Google, the more that do the quicker they may respond.

Hey everyone! I work in GCPW team. Can you share Chrome and GCPW versions installed on the devices where this issue can be reproduced?

GCPW: 94.0.4606.56 Chrome: 122.0.6261.95

GCPW: 94.0.4606.56
Chrome: 122.0.6261.95 ( Official build ) 64-bit
Windows 10 Edu 64-bit 22H2
The blank GCPW sign-in window issue started for us on Friday afternoon 3/1/2024.
I'm getting lots of complaints today so help would be greatly appreciated.  I have been uninstalling and reinstalling GCPW which I thought was solving the issue.  Unfortunately the user just needs to lock their device and try to sign back in to reproduce the blank screen.

GCPW: 94.0.4606.56 Chrome: 122.0.6261.95

GCPW: 94.0.4606.56 Chrome: 122.0.6261.95


But tried and Chrome version 90, it was same

GCPW: 94.0.4606.56 Chrome: 122.0.6261.95 and 10 other minor versions, from 121 and 122  Chrome version does not seem to matter.

There is a writeup by an end user on another site and I believe he is intimating it's a connectivity timeout issue on the cloud side.



We are experiencing the exact same issues here with GCPW. Originally we've been putting the blame on DNS after a widespread power outage, but after some hunting around came across this and it makes way more sense.

Is there a recommendation for reporting the issue to Google other than on the community? 


I took some steps that helped me; you can try if you prefer.

Possible solutions for slow login issue on GCPW:

  1. Check organization policies: Confirm if Google Cloud organization policies are not affecting GCPW login. Access the Google Cloud console and review GCPW access policies. Check for policies that might be blocking or delaying login.
  2. Clear browser cache and cookies: Clearing browser cache and cookies can resolve login issues. Open your browser and access settings. Look for the option to clear cache and cookies. Select all browser cookies and cache and delete them.
  3. Verify network connectivity: Unstable or slow network connection can affect GCPW login. Ensure you have a stable and fast network connection. Try using a different Wi-Fi network or a mobile data connection.

Hope this information helps to resolve the slow GCPW login issue!

From Google Workspace support, not the best solution since it will likely involve having to visit every machine to roll them back, but at least they are admitting a known problem and are working on it:

Please be informed that it is a technical issue having errors, issues, unusual behavior about the new version of GCPW (122.0.6260.0), please note that the new version was rolled back due to an issue that was seen. When they download GCPW thru the Admin Console page, they should be getting the previous version: 94.0.4606.56

We do apologize for the inconvenience and allow some time for us to release a new stable version of GCPW soon and to set your expectation that there is  "No ETA" yet. In case that you are still getting (122.0.6260.0) version from the Admin Console, we highly suggest you to try downloading GCPW thru https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gcpw/

Here are some instructions/HC articles that may help you with your concern.
1. Uninstall Google Credential Provider for Windows: https://support.google.com/a/answer/9698385

You can also try to uninstall GCPW by following the instructions below.
1. Uninstall GCPW
2. Remove the following Windows registry keys
 - Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Google\Chrome\Enrollment
 - Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Google\Update\ClientState\{430FD4D0-B729-4F61-AA34-91526481799D}\CloudManagementEnrollmentToken
 - Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Google\Update\ClientState\{32987697-A14E-4B89-84D6-630D5431E831}
 - Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Google\Enrollment
3. Remove the following folders
 - C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Policies\Z29vZ2xlL21hY2hpbmUtbGV2ZWwtb21haGE=
4. Restart the machine (and re-install GCPW if needed)

Try to fix the issue by uninstalling and installing the Google Credential Provider for Windows

We don't administer through GAC nor do we have GCPW 122 installed.  Our PC labs had GCPW enterprise 94.0.4606.56 installed on them using the msi this past summer.   They remain at that version until this day.  Above, it says it is the solution, apparently it is not. Everything worked great until about a week ago.  There is nothing to fix here, waiting for google.

That being said, I do appreciate your feedback and suggestions.

I create VM with new Windows 10 (no domain join, no google join, nothing), download this GCPW version and Chrome on the new machine, and it was same. Internet speed in our school 1 Gb\s, so its google problem. Look like security or something, because if this open login page 1-2 times, so thirds time its no opening. Maybe IP adress delay or something. When all classes log in at the same time (30 computers), the login window opens from the first time only every second or third computer. So me too waiting fix from google. I sent logs in Google Workspace support, but i think its not my problem. 

Much like the others have stated below: GCPW v94.0.4606.56, Windows 11, Deployment worked flawlessly for well over a year until about two weeks ago when these issues started popping up. Nothing has been updated from the GCPW side of things. Chrome v122.0.6261.95 on all desktops. 

We've been troubleshooting and sending logs to Google engineers since Friday last week with no resolution. All the suggestions seem to revolve around making changes on our end when the issue still must be on their side. 


Our first thought was something was happening with our DNS since it coincided with a large power outage in our area. Eventually stumbling across this post has at least helped us point in another direction.

We're having the same problem here with GCPW.  Failing most of the time, hit ESC try again, sometimes works.  
GCPW: 94.0.4606.56
Chrome: 122.0.6261.95

We're not using the newer version of GCPW so that's definitely not it either.  And no company-wide solutions should be to remove registry entries, folders, and reinstall.  As Justinas above me did, I've also tried it with newly imaged Win11 machines using the "good" version of GCPW and it still fails often.

Similar issue to those listed here. We've got 100+ remote devices provisioned with GCPW and users are reporting very long load times when trying to access their computers. GCPW and Chrome versions are similar to those listed above, but Google Support was mentioning to un-install and re-install GCPW across the board which is a monumental task, and sounds like it does not even fix the issue. Hoping to hear a resolution or tips from anyone hear or if we hear back from Google support.

I'm continuing to investigate as a Reddit thread mentioned it could be issues with Firewall/Cybersecurity such as with MS Defender as well.

I think I know what the problem is here... I think.
So this all started happening (for us) on Friday March 1st.  What if it is related to THIS...


If there is a new sign-on screen from the web-based logon, is it reasonable to conclude that there could be a new look for the GCPW logon - or maybe it is trying to register this new look or something like that?!? ๐Ÿค”.  The latest version of GCPW seems to be 94.0.4606.56



We aren't experiencing this anymore. Is it fixed?

My test machines are working better this afternoon. Hopefully Google has
solved the issue.

Thank you,

Brian Moffet
Technology Support Specialist
North Branch Area Public Schools
38175 Grand Ave.
North Branch, MN 55056

Desk: 651-674-1098
Cell: 651-491-4549


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Thanks for your patience and cooperation everyone! We have rolled back few changes and that fixed the issue. Keep us posted for any issue you encounter with GCPW!! 

Thank you!!

I have the same problem(

We are having the same problem here. I got a response from Google support telling me to remove all the registry keys and reinstall GCPW, But people here are saying that does not fix it. Seems like a whole lot of trouble to go through and not have it fix the issue. Anybody else have any updates on this matter?  Does not really get more important than have team members not even able to logon their workstations. I was not sure why they were calling GCPW version 119 and 112 since we have version 94, But then realized it was the browser version they were talking about. 





We had this issue randomly about six weeks ago, and now it is becoming widespread. Since the Chrome update to 124, I've had seven more desktops fail at the login. We also noted that in late February, these devices had GCPW auto-update to version 122โ€”yet we see that version 94 is now the version that is currently available for download.

Following the steps in the 3/4/24 reply, we cannot reinstall version 94 and get GCPW operational.  This is disappointing as it worked wonderfully for three years.



had the same issue on our campus, i disabled automatic updates for Chrome and installed an older version of Chrome and it worked again

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