Card Views (Beta)

Updated: December 2019 card view updates available here

Another UX update from @morgan is live today (currently in Beta status๐Ÿ˜ž a new way to visualize data with media, locations or charts more easily via โ€˜Cardsโ€™ that dynamically fill the device screen and give users quick ways to view details and initiate related actions.

This view also includes a new, intuitive method for customizing each field - look for it in your AppSheet account today and please share any initial feedback!

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Hi @Austin_Samagam
I believe a fix is coming.

@Austin_Samagam I have the same problem: No Actions in card view type โ€œlargeโ€.
Are the Actions working for you now?


Not sure if its too late, but iโ€™d like to request some Features to this view.

For those that donโ€™t want/need to add a picture, can we have options for a grid

1 Column x 2 or 3 rows
2X_2_2c82060dbc2aca50095db6eb1c08703488673359.png or

2x2 or 4x4 fields in the area of the picture where we can have the option to add more actions or display data?

The reason is some of us have a lot of data that we want to show our users without them clicking for more info and these Cards are exactly what we need, but just need few more display options.

Please also add a swipe right or left option (to use as a Task Complete action)

Thank you continuing to listen to the community to make appsheet what it is.


I am using the Card View and the 'List' category.  I have put a 'Delete' action on one of the 3 action buttons available and set the other 2 buttons to be 'None' in the On-Click selector.


The 'Behaviour' settings for the 'Delete' action only make the action available for a certain condition.


When viewing the cards, the Delete action displays on ALL records despite the condition set in the 'Behaviour' settings for the action.   The action will only click for the cards that satisfy the 'Behaviour' condition which is great, but it gives the impression that the other cards can be deleted as well as cards that satisfy the behaviour condition (orange card below).


The expected behaviour is that the above green cards would NOT display the Delete action.

It's a small thing, but Cards are great with the new Desktop Preview and they deserve a little love as well...