Switched to Classic Debug session and tracing the flow with Target Server - gRPC Target -SSL


Have following, observation when using Calssic trace UI with apigee X.

Case A: Classic UI trace after enabling the debug session (already enabled SSL for Target Server with gRPC Server Set up, ie .. when following below set up for Target Server

 Environments --> Target Server with protocol (gRPC-Target) and enabling "Enable-SSL" option running ApigeexProxy to  (unary) gRPC backend does not show any trace flows and its blank (but we get response from backend gRPC in client.

But with same set up in Apigee X with Classic UI trace after enabling the debug 

Case B: Environments --> Target Server with protocol (gRPC-Target) and  Disabled-SSL option running ApigeexProxy to  (unary) gRPC backend, shows all required trace flows E2E to same backend.

Any reason, why in case of case A Calassic UI Trace does not show any information and its blank but Case B (where only changes is  Target Server with protocol (gRPC-Target) in  Disabled-SSL status shows the trace details ? Each time I wait for least 2 to 3 minutes but only in Case B all trace details appears

Let us know, what's the step required in case A, hence Classic trace shows the details when debug is enabled (currently does not show anything in Classic trace and its blank)

@dino @kurtkanaskie @anilsr  @AishwaryaD 






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I've tried reproducing this but with both classic and non-classic debug, I can see the transactions. 

I'm using grpcurl to send requests to an Apigee proxy via GCP Load Balancer that then sends it onto a grpc target.

Is this in a trial org? Are you sending from the client a grpc or http 1.1 request?