Action based on confirmation message popup click


Is there a way to understand what is being clicked in the confirmation message and take different action based on user's answer?

For context, I have an app for inputting financial statements - each record of my database is made of financial statement info for a given customer+period. It is common though that a given financial statements doc has 2 periods on it (i.e, current period and previous period) and I wanted to make the user's life easier whenever more than 1 period is available.

So what I thought was to add a confirmation message once a form entry is submitted that would ask whether the user wants to input a new period for the same customer. If the answer is No, then only record the current input; if the answer is Yes, beyond recording the current input, it would somehow open the form again pre-populated with data from the current input (which I'd also appreciate guidance on how to do it).


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I managed to implement it the way I described. For reference, I set 2 new actions.

(1) Confirm new input (this is the action that the app will take once the user choose "Yes" in the dialog):


The LINKTOFORM formula I set up the way described in the previous comments.

(2) Input other period: this one is to show the dialog box


Note that on "Actions" I linked to the "Confirm new input" action just created above. This one I linked to my "Add Financials" view, as follows:


Hope this is helpful to other people.

View solution in original post


Yes it's possible with sequence of actions. You would need to have two actions in that sequence.. the first one will ask the confirmation (Y/N) with the INPUT("Confirmation","") action, and the 2nd one will decide which view it should show. It needs something like..
[Confirm]=FALSE, //this Confirm column is an additional column in your table
LINKTOFORM("Data_Form","Customer",[Customer],"AnotherColumn",[Anothercolumn], etc.)

Thanks for your reply!

Can you expand on the first (which will ask the confirmation with INPUT action)?

The way I was considering doing was to set an action called "Input other period", for a record of my table "Database" (which is the one that contains every record of financial statements inputting), setting prominence as "Do not display" and Do This as "Grouped: execute a sequence of actions". Finally, I'd enable "Needs confirmation" and customize the message. However, I'm not super sure how can I set up the actions for Yes or No (as results of what the user would click in the confirmation dialog.

The 2nd action (which I'm not yet sure where should I add it) makes a lot of sense to me - I'm just struggling a bit with the LINKTOFORM bit because I'd need to do it (I think) in 2 steps:

(1) retrieve the data of the last inputted financials (I'm guessing I'd need to maybe use a SELECT to pull the MAX InputTimestamp for a given UserEmail and, with that, get the InputKey, which is the key for the latest record inputted;

(2) Populate the LINKTOFORM formula in a way it retrieves info from the key above (I'm guessing using LOOKUP?)


For this 2nd piece (which I mentioned I'd need to do in 2 steps) it just occurred to me that my assumption was that, when interacting with the confirmation dialog, the entry would already be recorded. If not, then I probably do not need these 2 steps and, instead, I just need to populate the LINKTOFORM formula with the current input - something like LINKTOFORM("Add Financials", "CustomerNumber", [_THIS].[CustomerNumber], "CustomerName", [_THIS].[CustomerName]). Does that make sense?

The first action is something like..



I managed to implement it the way I described. For reference, I set 2 new actions.

(1) Confirm new input (this is the action that the app will take once the user choose "Yes" in the dialog):


The LINKTOFORM formula I set up the way described in the previous comments.

(2) Input other period: this one is to show the dialog box


Note that on "Actions" I linked to the "Confirm new input" action just created above. This one I linked to my "Add Financials" view, as follows:


Hope this is helpful to other people.

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