Action reference to ...


Would like to have view of reference from another table.
I can easily do that, by LINKTOFILTEREDVIEW to that table, or to make view with ref_rows column,
but I want view that shows table with references rows and some calculated values(also referenced).
I've tried to do that by link to dashboard view, but is showing all rows.
I really stuck. What should I do?

edit: I manage to do it be add virtual column, that filter and calculate data from other table, then created detail view, and make action with linktorow function.

Any idea how to do it different way?

0 3 86

I don't quite understand.  It seems that the issue is that the calculated values are in a different table?  And you are having trouble combining them with the referenced rows you want to view?  Is that the problem?

The problem is, that I want to make a custom view with specific data from other table along with some virtual columns, in this case data referring to record from main table.

To combine data into a single view, there are really only 2 ways to go about it:

1) Easiest and most common - use the table that has most of the data you wish to view as the source table and then add Virtual Columns to pull in the additional data from other sources - i.e. other tables OR calculations on those other tables such as a SUM.   If you need to pull in multiple values from a row in another table then adding a Ref column to point to the row first will be most efficient.  Then you can simply pull in all the columns of values using "dot" notation - e.g. [Ref Column].[Column A]

2)  Another approach is to build a dedicated table for all of the combined values.  A good example of this might be a Monthly Summary table where you might have some static data and then a set of calculated values.  This table can be updated as part of periodic process (End of Month processing) or kept up-to-date as details are entered for an up to the minute status.

I hope this helps!

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