Add a button to insert data in two specific rows

Hello everybody, 

Is it possible to add a button that can open a form that adds data only on two specif rows. 

Let me just give you an example:

I have table_1 that has the following rows: ID; Item; Size; Price. When I use the add button I configured so it to only lets me add data relatable to "ID" and "Item".  But now I would like to add a button to add the "Size" and "Price" for that specific line of data. 

I've tried to create a reference view and manage to get a form exactly the way I wanted, but instead of adding the data to the line I've created it created a new one which doesn't have the "ID" and "Size" already established. 

Thank you.

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Few ways to do it.. create an action button with the INPUT() expression for those two columns. Another way is to create a new form view where you have just those two columns to fill and open that view with an action.. with the deeplink like LINKTOROW().

Can you please elaborate a little bit more on the LINKTOROW() formula? 

Something like LINKTOROW([KeyColumn],"FormViewName")

Still haven't manage to set it up. Can somebody please make a step by step?

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