Adding information in 1 table and copying that data to other tables


I have 4 Tables. The first table is data entry of items received. The 2nd to 4th table is for inspection of these items by different departments. The first 3 columns of all the tables are the same. Now the question is, when I key in items in the 1st Table using the Application, how do I get those rows to appear in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Columns.

These are what I have tried so far.

  1. Using references. I think I got the workflow wrong though.
  2. Using excel formulas. This worked but i needed to keep opening the excel file to update it. Cant do it everytime.

Thank you in advance.

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Instead of โ€œhow do I get those rows to appear in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Columnsโ€ do you meanโ€ฆ
โ€œhow do I get those rows to appear in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Tablesโ€?

Yup, that is what I meant. Apologies for the miscommunication.

The best way is probably a combination of Webhook and API call if you want that this will happen automatically.

What if I donโ€™t want it to happen automatically? What if I want it to happen only when I make a button for it and click the button? - but two different tables in two different apps?

@Belinda Your request is different. It would be better for you to post your question as a separate thread to get proper attention. It will not be seen by as many people when you piggy-back off another thread because developers are reading the subject at the top level and are skipping over if they cannot help - and they may know the answer to your question.

Gotcha thanks

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