After months of use, app has stopped with a code suggesting an API issue...

In a bit of a pickle as two apps have stopped working with same error. The error isnt something I can diagnose as its relating to the API between AppSheet and Excel.

I've sought help from Support but they've not replied yet with anything actionable and this is a CritSit.

Any help appreciated.

Here's the error:

Error: Table's file 'SHAREPOINT_SITE_ID' is not accessible due to: Error code: ResponsePayloadSizeLimitExceeded Error message: The response payload size has exceeded the limit. Please refer to the documentation: “. Inner error code: responsePayloadSizeLimitExceeded Inner error message: The response payload size has exceeded the limit. Please refer to the documentation: “. Stack trace: at System.Threading.Tasks.Task`1.GetResultCore(Boolean waitCompletionNotification) at MicrosoftProvider.ExcelAPITable.<>c__DisplayClass98_0.<GetSheetUsedRange>b__0(String workbookSessionId) at MicrosoftProvider.MicrosoftGraphUtilities.ExecuteSessionOperationWithRetry(Context context, String accessToken, Action`1 operation, String sessionId, String userToken, PhysicalSchema physicalSchema, String operationName, Exception& fatalException, Int32 userId, Int32 maxRetryCount, String debugInfo) Debug information: Method: GetSheetUsedRange :App Id: f11dd051-0fcf-4ba0-95dd-7a081aa945b7 . Error: Data table '' is not available Error: The data for this view cannot be found. Please select a new data table in the view settings.

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I think you should contact Microsoft about this

Thanks but as it's related to code I've not written nor can see or debug (ie AppSheet) that would be a tad difficult no?

I mean that Microsoft could provide more help about why it's not working.

It seems you are hitting a limit.

How many columns/rows/sheets do your workbook has?

 Excel JavaScript API performance optimization - Office Add-ins | Microsoft Docs 

The Excel JavaScript API has size limitations for API calls. Excel on the web has a payload size limit for requests and responses of 5MB

mmm thanks. Would have been good to have known about this prior to investing such a great deal of work. Im not hitting the spreadsheet limit (which I knew) but this one doesnt appear documented. So unless you're a real Dev... you wouldn't know.


Thanks anway.

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